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550 Again
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Author:  karyoker [ Thu Sep 27, 2007 7:34 am ]
Post subject:  550 Again

A few gigs ago Ireplaced the DBX266xl with a Lexicon mpx 550 It is awesome and helps singers a bunch. However we have a few gal singers that we couldnt get enough vocal gain to save us. Back to drawing board

I take my rack back home to a small apt and use head phones only. I got to checking and the compressor threshold setting on female and all settings (the 550 has 265 presets and 60 programmable.)  was -32 db S*776!!! In system settings compression is one of those that is global (applies to all banks and presets) or program which you set on each one. Yea I had it on global..Im sitting there looking at the old 266xl I tore my rack apart and put the 266xl back in EFX2 was originally routed to an Alesis Microverb4 which is mono in and stereo out now I run that into the 550 What is does with music is awesome It has about 5 live FOH presets which I put into the user bank along with female vocal male vocal and the FOH The Dly/Reverb is undescribal.  Yet we can still use the female and male etc Like I say all i have is cans but the overall effect blows me away I cant wait for sat and hear it live. I also ran EFX2 back into 112 on the mixer instead of Aux1 return. It gives a much better control of FX

We run higher Fx than most If the right FX are not being applied then just a little desroys the sound but proper Fx tecniques still at the right amount makes or breaks a system.

Author:  karyoker [ Mon Oct 01, 2007 8:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 550 Again

It worked We could get vocals from the gals that whisper up to music level. The 550 actually compresses the overall out with a 2:1 ratio and further reduces the squeeks or annoying peaks in vocals. It still puts life for lack of a better term in the vocals. I'll never be satisfied  LMAO

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