Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Famous Singers currently members of the Showcase
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Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Sat Oct 20, 2007 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Famous Singers currently members of the Showcase

I think it's very likely and I've often wondered why we don't see some of the truly famous folks here on occasion (such as Bowie (gasp) or you know... really famous folks).

I didn't wish to go off topic in the Critique thread Seby, because it defeats the purpose of the thread, but David says Hi,  He's too busy, to find the time to participate in the showcase, between our Carribean Island estate, both of us model, he writes his own ticket pretty much in the rock world, producing world, and he HAS actually made it among the top 10 highest paid performing musicians of all time..

Anyway, I suppose it's time I break my anonymity in here.  I'm Bowies fine-a$$ed byotch "Oyman".


Author:  MorganLeFey [ Sat Oct 20, 2007 7:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Famous Singers currently members of the Showcase


Author:  syberchick70 [ Sun Oct 21, 2007 7:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Famous Singers currently members of the Showcase

Steven Kaplan @ Sat Oct 20, 2007 7:14 pm wrote:
Anyway, I suppose it's time I break my anonymity in here.  I'm Bowies fine-a$$ed byotch "Oyman".


:shock:  :shock:

:worship:  :worship:  :worship:

well.. at least you have a fine a$$ ;)


Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Sun Oct 21, 2007 8:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Famous Singers currently members of the Showcase

It's a smoking a$$ with "The Fire Down below"  :hug:


Author:  paddyboy [ Sun Oct 21, 2007 8:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Famous Singers currently members of the Showcase

Well actually….the real reason you don't see famous people on here could be one of these.

They don’t need this site
They think they’re just too good for us
They don’t realize there are a lot of talented people on hear
They can’t for legal reasons
They REALLY don’t have the time
They don't know about it

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Sun Oct 21, 2007 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Famous Singers currently members of the Showcase

We would likely not know if there were famous people on here.  But logically famous people wouldn't wish or likely need to take the time to upload and record to such a site... The time they are spending here, is paid interview time, modeling time, and traveling time to gigs.. One thing people need to interact on this site is a certain amount of free time, or home time.. "Famous people" have other commitments, and their real life keeps them too busy to play on the internet.. Ocassionally a well known person will make an appearance or meet on the internet, but it's an interview type setting and usually they aren't currently busy.. In some cases they're semi-retired, or retired from the road... Why would people think actively working performing artists would have the time to record to singers showcase ?   There MIGHT be retired, or individuals that couldn't handle the real aspects of performing arts here, or can't find work in their specific area due to it's competitive nature, or their current preferred lifestyle, and I DO believe there's A LOT of that in here... You would not know who they are, this isn't "real names" required to begin with...

Author:  dumbdrums [ Sun Oct 21, 2007 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Famous Singers currently members of the Showcase

ive told some buds of mine who are famous about this site and my friend said he would check it out and i am sure he did (probably cause he was curious to hear me singing again) the band is the Supersuckers and they have been on thye tonight show (as willie nelsons backup band) they have done music sountracks (Baseketball)
commercials (Mountain Dew) cable shows (Wild Boyz) video game soundtracks, they have opened for Ozzie, ACDC, and a host of others. I knew them in high school. i taught 2 of them how to play and as fate would have it, they are in europe right now (i think) and i am here helping kappy get to 15000 comments....you can check them out on their site at supersuckers dot com..they are a great punk rock band and i am really proud of em and i am sure eddie spaghetti the lead singer and bass player is here a lot checking out the showcase..
oh by the way kappy, nice (@$%&#!) ! :worship:

Author:  dumbdrums [ Sun Oct 21, 2007 4:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Famous Singers currently members of the Showcase

changed my signature but now its gone

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Sun Oct 21, 2007 5:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Famous Singers currently members of the Showcase

Hehe,  Yeah,  I remember them from Mr BS Mikey.  I went over and checked them out a few years back.  I believe that was the same group you speak of.

Author:  syberchick70 [ Mon Oct 22, 2007 10:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Famous Singers currently members of the Showcase

dumbdrums @ Sun Oct 21, 2007 4:17 pm wrote:
ive told some buds of mine who are famous about this site and my friend said he would check it out and i am sure he did (probably cause he was curious to hear me singing again) the band is the Supersuckers and they have been on thye tonight show (as willie nelsons backup band) they have done music sountracks (Baseketball)
commercials (Mountain Dew) cable shows (Wild Boyz) video game soundtracks, they have opened for Ozzie, ACDC, and a host of others. I knew them in high school. i taught 2 of them how to play and as fate would have it, they are in europe right now (i think) and i am here helping kappy get to 15000 comments....you can check them out on their site at supersuckers dot com..they are a great punk rock band and i am really proud of em and i am sure eddie spaghetti the lead singer and bass player is here a lot checking out the showcase..
oh by the way kappy, nice  ! :worship:

cool :) I'll have to check them out too. I think it's much more probable, as Steven said, for people who are no longer in 'the biz' to hang out here, if for no other reason than because the famous folks who are working just wouldn't have the time. Nice to hear that some folks who are fairly high profile are hanging around too though! :)

Author:  planet_bill [ Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Famous Singers currently members of the Showcase

I don't know about this line of reasoning folks. Seems to me famous and rich people likely have the most free time on their hands, and hence would likely be involved in forums to help pass the time.

I can definitely see Britney Spears hanging on the net. I remember one day when I was trading stocks and I was on Yahoo Finance forums there was a tip from Warren Buffet. Was it the real Warren Buffet? Not sure, but the stock went crazy for many months after his pick.

Author:  OperaKitty [ Tue Oct 23, 2007 11:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Famous Singers currently members of the Showcase

Well...you really never know.  If it were me, and I stumbled across something like this, I may want to post a song just for the heck of it...put it under C and see what happened...if anyone knew it was me, etc.  I remember hearing a story a few years back where - I think it was the Dixie Chicks - went into a karaoke bar in England (without saying who they were), entered a contest singing one of their songs and lost because the audience didn't think they sounded enough like the Dixie Chicks! *laugh*  Now, that may just be a story, but it's a pretty good one.

I will say, there is someone in SS who hasn't posted in about a year, and I am about 95% certain they are the current lead in a major Broadway show.

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Tue Oct 23, 2007 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Famous Singers currently members of the Showcase

I don't know about this line of reasoning folks. Seems to me famous and rich people likely have the most free time on their hands, and hence would likely be involved in forums to help pass the time.

What logic do you base this on ?   Also why do you assume "names" we know from the 60's and 70's are all "Rich" ?   "Wealth" involves ability to invest, and KEEP the money you make, and for some it wasn't all that spectacular given todays cost of living.. Artists don't have health bene's, and A LOT end in rehab and hospitals, some marry and might lose quite abit assuming the marriage works (or even if it doesn't). Not all you know in areas of performance from 30 years back are wealthy.  Internet for me isn't even something I want.. I became ill, and would MUCH rather be out with REAL musicians... Short of illness however, and changes in lifestyle.. Why would a "Famous Musician" opt for Karaoke on the Internet when Live interactive music is an option ?   I think the stability of a high paying white color executive income and ability to invest carries MUCH greater wealth, than the several year stints of many from the Rock and Roll era...

Author:  planet_bill [ Tue Oct 23, 2007 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Famous Singers currently members of the Showcase

I'm just saying that generally famous people are 'rich', and it is typically the rich who have the most leisure time. I do know some rich people and they often spend their time doing what they wish although they have productive time as well.

They might go on a forum like this for the same reason we do - just for entertainment and to kill boredom. I'd think many in the spotlight can't go out in public and socialize easily without being hounded by paveratzi. Such forums would give them a way to social network without the risk.

I'm not saying such people would post to SS, but I could see them possibly hanging on a karaoke forum. I suppose it depends on the individual.

You are right that not all people who were famous some years back necessarily retained their wealth. It just seems to me it could go either way here.

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Tue Oct 23, 2007 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Famous Singers currently members of the Showcase

Well, If there are in fact wealthy people here, Welcome (you want some points?)

Author:  syberchick70 [ Wed Oct 24, 2007 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Famous Singers currently members of the Showcase

Steven Kaplan @ Tue Oct 23, 2007 11:31 pm wrote:
Well, If there are in fact wealthy people here, Welcome (you want some points?)

(donates some points to Steven) lol

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Famous Singers currently members of the Showcase

Oh,  That's good.. I thought you heard my lame attempt over in K-Solo and were giving my sympathy points for attempting to..well, never mind.. LOL

Author:  dumbdrums [ Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Famous Singers currently members of the Showcase

i would swear you subbed something a loooooong time ago kappy...that was either you or our fearless leader phil... :banger:

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Famous Singers currently members of the Showcase

Mikey,  Phill Submitted Neil Diamond two years back.

Author:  E.J. McGinley [ Fri Oct 26, 2007 10:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Famous Singers currently members of the Showcase

Does having your photo up at the post office count?

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