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Music Factory?
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Author:  Dr Fred [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 2:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Music Factory?

I just noticed that Tricerasoft added a new Manufacturer to their lineup. The manufacturer is "Music Factory", and it appears that they have at least a few somewhat hard to find songs on their listing.

They added 1700 songs from this Manu, according to a publicity e-mail.

Since I have never heard of "Music Factory" I was wondering if they are a company that sells to other distributors under different names or if they have a product line that I might know of.

Of course being a UK company they might not be well known over here.

Their web page did not help me at all:

Anyone know anything about them and how good their tracks are?
The audo samples for a couple of the songs sounded very good, but a few others were slightly off, but still acceptable. But then I only listened to about 6 of them.

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Oct 31, 2007 3:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Music Factory?

Most of the audio samples I listened to sounds pretty midi synthed, kind of like All Hits later stuff - maybe a new incarnation of their name, who knows.  Nothing I was excited about.

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