Although we are still in the throws of the final stage of the Bader Challenge for 2003!! We do need to start looking forward to the Bader UK Karaoke Challenge of 2004!!!!!
Although the Challenge format will remain the same we have made some changes to how it will operate the biggest of theses being there will now be 2 (yes 2) options open to each venue and KJ that wishes to take part :
Option 1 - this will be a 1 night challenge from which 4 people will go through to a Regional Final! it will work the same way as an option 2 venue there will still be a minimum of 3 judges and an audience vote.
Option 2 - this will be a 3 night challenge (2 house heats and 1 house final) this will work in a similar way to this years challenge however we have reduced the number of heats after feed back from several KJ's and supporters who felt after the first 2-3 heats the support lapsed.
These options have been introduced to make it easier for everyone involved as this challenge is growing in strength from year to year now. We also felt that more venues may get involved if we gave them the option of a 1 night charity karaoke challenge making 2004 the best challenge yet!!
So what do we need from you now??
We are looking for KJ's and Venues to host this years Challenge!! If you would like to host an evening and would like further imformation of what is involved please contact us with your details either by :
Telephone Numbers :
Arc - 0770 880 0770
Roy - 0795 200 2841
Joy - 0208 405 2484
Email :