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Why can only some of my songs....
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Author:  DEE [ Sun Nov 25, 2007 5:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Why can only some of my songs....

Hello everyone:) Can someone explain to me as to why only some of my    recordings that I've done simply does not record when I am making my cd?

A lot of them are great, however I have about ten songs that won't record--says something about 'a format'?

I have never encountered a problem recording my own stuff, now I am experiening much difficulty!~

I would appreciate any answers that might suffice as to why this is happening. I use my Adobe 1.5, I never had any complications to record any song I've done...


I'd be happy to have any suggestions or answers. I thank you so much:)

PS- I will come by  in awhile to check, I sincerely arppreciate any help at all. I have to lay down a bit, am very, very tired, but I will come back later.

~~!!~@@!~~THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH~~!@@~!!~~

Love, DEE :worship: :)

Author:  MorganLeFey [ Sun Nov 25, 2007 6:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why can only some of my songs....

without knowing exactly what it says Dee one would only be guessing. please be a little more specific and give the exact message

Author:  Catseyeview [ Mon Nov 26, 2007 6:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why can only some of my songs....

My guess would be trying to burn more than one format on the same disc.  Sometimes I reckon the puter Gods just don't wanna allow it no matter how badly we want em to go.

Make sure they're all the same Dee, i.e. all .wma, .mp3, .wav etc.

Author:  DEE [ Mon Nov 26, 2007 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why can only some of my songs....

Thank you Ladies Vicki and Cathi:)

I will try recording the same songs that says it is the wrong format and will let you know exactly what it says. It's hard describing on here, and I hope you know you are of great help:)

I also noticed that some of my songs are 96-32mb, in which the 32 don't work, just the numbers 44 or even 48. i hope you know what I am talking about;) lol

Let's say for instance I mixed it down to 120-32 or 120-44? I noticed on some the 32 does not work.

I'll be back and hopefully I can tell you Exactly what it says, ok?

Thank you so much ladies:)

Love, DEExo

Author:  DEE [ Mon Nov 26, 2007 3:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why can only some of my songs....

A warning sign comes up saying: The file 'Beautiful Boy'  for DEEZ CD 320-32 Mp3 cannot be recorded to your disc because it is NOT in the correct  format. It said to go below and hit Explain: This is what it say's:

Also, another one  'Goodnight My Love' I sang this with Barry 'Lee' White @ 96-24???

Another: 'The Cradle Song' 320-32. also 'Rememberence of 911 or 'Fallen Embers' at 320-32///I use to be able to record these and now it seems I can't. Maybe it is me, who is just being stupid with ignorance!~ LOL;) I  appreciate your help.

Missing Or Wrong Type of Files
The specified file cannot be recorded for one of the following reasons:

RecordNow could not open the file.
The file is in use by another application.
The file has been deleted or the name or path have changed.
The file name is too long (110 characters maximum).
WAV and MP3 must be recorded as 16 bit stereo files using a 22 or 44.1KHz sampling rate. WMA files must be recorded using a 44.1 KHz sampling rate.
The WMA file is copy protected.

Caution    Problems can occur when adding a file 4GB or larger to a disc that already contains data. Always start with a blank DVD disc when copying files 4 GB or larger.

I want to thank you for your help. This is the first time I have ever had a problem recording my own stuff. Thanks again ladies:)

Love, DEExo


Author:  MorganLeFey [ Mon Nov 26, 2007 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why can only some of my songs....

I would suggest you put everything you wish to put on your cd into a folder you create specifically for this purpose. open every one of your songs individually in adobe audition and click save as then save to that newly created folder but ensure that you are saving them at the same bitrate and in the same format and ensure the name of the track is short and concise.

Another thing that occured to me as I was reading your error message is that perhaps you fell for a hoax email that was doing the rounds stating that someone had sent you a virus and that if you did a search and found a certain icon in your files that meant your machine was infected and would crash and everything would be destroyed.
If you got that email and you did as they recommended and deleted that particular icon, then you have deleted something that is required to allow you to give files longer names.

Anyway so long as everything you have in your cd burning folder is samed at the same bitrate and the same format then all should be well

Author:  chamjam [ Mon Nov 26, 2007 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why can only some of my songs....

On another note, you would probably have this problem solved faster if you re-routed the question to the tech forums.

Author:  Catseyeview [ Mon Nov 26, 2007 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why can only some of my songs....

RecordNow could not open the file.

There's your problem right there Dee.  RecordNow is a chit program that's very inconsistent.  I don't like Media Player either but it's a dayum sight better than RecordNow.

Change your recording program hun and your problem will be solved

Author:  DEE [ Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why can only some of my songs....

Thank you Ladies Vicki and Cathi and Nathan.

I tried what you explained Vicki and it works!!!~ Yeah baby :)

Cathi I see the problem using Media player-I never use to use this but I started using it about thre months ago, but I didn't try using it to record...this is it!~ LOL:)




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