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huh? where has the singing range thread gone?
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Author:  MorganLeFey [ Thu Dec 06, 2007 1:24 pm ]
Post subject:  huh? where has the singing range thread gone?

wow I go to the physiotherapist to get my neck seen to and I come back to catch up on whats happening in the hot thread and bingo its gone!!! How come?

Author:  OperaKitty [ Thu Dec 06, 2007 1:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: huh? where has the singing range thread gone?

See what happens when you have a life outside of the board?  You miss the drama...and I thought my last post there was pretty good...*sigh*

Author:  oneofakind864 [ Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: huh? where has the singing range thread gone?

Sorry to hear ya missed it Vik! I should have taken a screen shot for you- it was a dang FINE read! :hug:

Author:  OperaKitty [ Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: huh? where has the singing range thread gone?

The sad thing is, there was a LOT of good information there outside of drama...which I really didn't think was all that dramatic...it just seemed like a spirited discussion to me....

Author:  oneofakind864 [ Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: huh? where has the singing range thread gone?

Me too- here are the highlights

When people want to know what their range is- it is measured in octaves. The latin root of the word is "oct" or "8" thus an octave is a set of 8 whole steps( the white keys only on a piano)

It doesn't matter which key you start on- but the range between the lowest and the highest notes that you can sing( in a manner that the sound is pleasing to you) is your range. If you can sing 8 steps you have a 1 octave range. If you sing 16 notes you have 2, if you sing 20notes you have 2.5 octaves etc.

We also established that a singer may include any method of creating these notes in the tally. For those that know the terms- this would include Chest, head, falsetto, or whistle tones notes. ***

We also learned Kitty that YOU have five freaking octaves- GOOOOoooooooo Gurl!

***this is based on the most commonly accepted rules of music theory - put in their simplest terms.

Author:  OperaKitty [ Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: huh? where has the singing range thread gone?

Hmmm...yup...think that sums it up pretty clearly and concisely....

Author:  vettelady [ Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: huh? where has the singing range thread gone?

Actually an octave based on the major scale is comprised of 6 whole steps and 2 half steps. The 3rd to 4th is a half step and 7th to 8th is also a half step. Only the C major scale is played on the white notes of the piano...all the rest will have black notes in also. If you get into the minor scales the 3rd is flatted putting the half step between the 2nd and 3rd step instead of 3rd and 4th, and depending which of the 3 minor scales you are singing, other things will happen at the 6th and 7th notes. My singing is only so-so, but I've studied instrumental music off and on for 44 years, with piano and bari sax being my main instruments, although I have played many others. I can both read music and play by ear. Ok enough of my music theory 101 before someone thinks I hijacked this thread LOL Just wanted to point out the basis of a true octave :)

Thanks...Drea :) :)

Author:  vettelady [ Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: huh? where has the singing range thread gone?

OMG I can't even fathom 5 octaves!! I think I'm 2 and a half at best LOL. Thats truly incredible :)

Author:  oneofakind864 [ Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: huh? where has the singing range thread gone?

LMAO...thats why I said "only the white keys" then footnoted that this was based on music theory "in it's simplest form"

there is a distinct difference between how singer approach things and how musicians do Drea( as you already know cuz you do both) me too- I took 16 years of piano(STILL CAN"t PLay worth a DARN- those lee press ons get in the way ya know? LOL) and when I ran scales as a piano player...what you said is totally true...but as a vocalist...and every voice teacher I ever had did the same. You just start on the white keys only and go up 5 notes then back down, the next sequence is up one note(or white key) sing up 5 steps then back down etc...

We just went through all the possible "exceptions" to this generalization..but for the sake of a beginning singer- or anyone who has little or no formal music training-I tried to keep it simple and put it in laymans terms.

Author:  OperaKitty [ Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: huh? where has the singing range thread gone?

Well, we were keeping the definitions and music theory pretty simplistic for people with little or no music background beyond singing for fun.

vettelady @ Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:00 pm wrote:
OMG I can't even fathom 5 octaves!! I think I'm 2 and a half at best LOL. Thats truly incredible :)

Well, as I mentioned in the previous thread, it is more of a parlour trick than a practicality, but..it is fun to pop those high notes and make people nervous about breaking glass...*giggle*

Author:  vettelady [ Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: huh? where has the singing range thread gone?

LMAO did you ever break one? That would be crazy wild!!

Author:  OperaKitty [ Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: huh? where has the singing range thread gone?

vettelady @ Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:17 pm wrote:
LMAO did you ever break one? That would be crazy wild!!

No...but...if you want to get technical, you can't actually break glass with your voice.  It's crystal, and you just have to hit the right frequency. :)

Author:  vettelady [ Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: huh? where has the singing range thread gone?

Ahhhh ok LOL. As for my music theory post, I think I did it more for my own benefit...kind of as proof that I have a little more musical substance than just being that crazy metal chick LMAO. I usually don't post in the forums because I rarely feel I have anything to contribute because of my choice of genres...this was one time I actually had some knowledge on the topic at hand. Thanks for indulging me :)

Author:  oneofakind864 [ Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: huh? where has the singing range thread gone?

I never broke glass with my voice- but i did break a lee press on once LMAO - It got stuck right there between the E and the Eb keys...hurt like a you-know-what !

Drea , sounds like you and me have the same range :hug:  I'd love to hear some of your jazz instrumentals...that kind of freaked me out when you said you SANG metal- but PLAYED jazz...THAT's as impressive as Kittys 5octaves!

Author:  vettelady [ Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: huh? where has the singing range thread gone?

LMAO Paula...my piano teacher is always after me about my nails. I have acrylic overlays and my nails are a good 1/4 inch past my fingertips...so needless to say, I kind of play off the end of them. He just has to deal with it...if I get stuck on a difficult piece I'll take them down a bit, but no way am I getting rid of them.

Author:  OperaKitty [ Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: huh? where has the singing range thread gone?

You're spot on with your theory, 'Drea...and very clear and concise as well.

Author:  vettelady [ Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: huh? where has the singing range thread gone?

Thank you Kitty. I requested music theory be thrown in with my piano lessons as I wanted to brush up on it. Its been a looooongggg time since I cracked the books at college LOL.

Author:  Odie [ Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: huh? where has the singing range thread gone?

vettelady @ Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:25 pm wrote:
Ahhhh ok LOL. As for my music theory post, I think I did it more for my own benefit...kind of as proof that I have a little more musical substance than just being that crazy metal chick LMAO. I usually don't post in the forums because I rarely feel I have anything to contribute because of my choice of genres...this was one time I actually had some knowledge on the topic at hand. Thanks for indulging me :)

Good post there Drea you crazy metal singin' chick!  LOL

Author:  vettelady [ Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: huh? where has the singing range thread gone?

LMAO Don  :wave:

Author:  MorganLeFey [ Thu Dec 06, 2007 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: huh? where has the singing range thread gone?

hmmm coulda sworn I had posted  :whistle: what was it that was wrong? the kappy thang or the reason I put my neck out?

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