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Sony BMG Is Making Way For Copy Protection Free MP3s
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Author:  karaoke for food..... [ Wed Jan 09, 2008 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Sony BMG Is Making Way For Copy Protection Free MP3s

They may finally be getting it right after all. Just hit'em in their pocket books..and they're come around.

Sony BMG to start selling music downloads without copy protection

Associated Press - January 8, 2008 8:23 AM ET

TOKYO (AP) - Sony BMG is making way for MP3s.

The company will start selling music downloads without copy protection this month. The move comes as even the last holdout among the major music companies succumbs to the trend of making MP3s available.

Record labels had been offering downloaded music in a format that prevented songs from being copied. But copy-protected music frustrated consumers because it prevents music from being played on some computers and MP3 players.

Warner Music Group, Universal and EMI have since started selling the copy-protection-free MP3s.

Sony says its MusicPass store will initially offer 37 titles in a variety of genres, but consumers must first buy a special card to access the music store. Best Buy and Target are among the retailers selling them.

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