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Karaoke machine for kids
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Author:  wulliec [ Sun Dec 21, 2003 1:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Karaoke machine for kids

My daughter curently has a karaoke machine i examined the cd it that comes with it, the files are *.cda , music with text on screen , is their any way I can create these files using mp3 that i currently have :oops:
as i have a cd writer and would like to make some cds for her.
thanks in advance

Author:  marley rules [ Tue Dec 23, 2003 11:33 am ]
Post subject: 

Cda files are audio files. Actually the files contained on the disc are Bin files. However, when viewed in a burner or player that is not CD+G compatible they will appear as CDA files.
In order to convert your MP3 to a playable CD+G disc you will need the following:
1. A CD+G compliant CDR/W drive. (Plextor Plexwriter is my suggestion). Most CD burners and drives do not support this format. If it does not specifically state that it does, chances are it is not compliant.
2. MP3 audio files with the associated CDG files (video). Both files have to have identical names-one with the MP3 extension and the other with the CDG extension.
3. A conversion program such as to convert the compressed MP3 and CDG files back into a bin file.
4. A program which will actually burn the bin files into a CD+G disc with a compliant burner.

As for legal issues, it is illegal distribute this copyrighted material. If you are the owner of the original discs and you convert them to MP3 format for computer playback at home that should be okay. Well, chances are nobody's going to sue you. But most will frown on distribution of said material unless you hold the copyright.

Author:  knightshow [ Tue Dec 23, 2003 8:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

for a list of all compatible burners that will access the .bin capibilities do some checking around.


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