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PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 1:40 am 
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Isn't drinking age currently federal ?
(Not sure if this would pertain to bars tho.  Maybe just college campus pubs).
1984 enactment of the National Minimum Drinking Age Act. The act required states to raise the age to 21 or lose federal transportation money. South Dakota was the last state to comply, in 1988.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080229/ap_ ... inking_age

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 3:03 am 

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Over half the people over 21 can't handle it or shouldn't be drinking.  I don't want the age lowered to 18.  All i see is more trouble than we have already.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:29 am 
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A bit over an hour from where I am is the Canadian border - in British Columbia the drinking age is 19 ... Has been for years. I don't recall there being any particular problems - they are a lot stiffer on drinking and driving up there - there are road blocks anywhere on any given night, everyone gets pulled over and checked for over-indulging/drinking and driving. I grew up in that area, couldn't wait for first year in college to get ID and go to the college pubs (UBC had a placed called "The Pit").

Kids from this area, upon turning 19, beat it for the border - book a weekend in a hotel in Vancouver and party hearty - now with the border being such a pain in the crack (REALLY A HASSLE TO CROSS THERE AND BACK), that may decrease but that's the big thing to do on your birthday.

Here's a funny - when I started drinking in the 'beer parlors' up there, a pilsner glass of beer was 25 cents! Now a glass of beer up there is about $5 in a restaurant... a 12-bottle 'case' used to be about $2.50. I think it's close to $20 now...so makes sense there wouldn't be rampart alcohol abuse...who can afford it???


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:02 am 
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Here in Greeley (UNC) one can walk along eighth ave on weekend nights and find party after party. Eahc year Greeley increases the noise ordinance fine to no avail.

In Fort Collins (CSU) they passed a law where no more than 3  people can rent and not be relatives. A year or 2 ago a young gal died in a dorm from alcohol poisoning.

Bear in mind we are on the edge of the bible belt and have thousands of kids on their own for the first time in their life. One does help them with laws or regulations but mature understanding and love.

When I was 18 it was legal to drink 3.2 beer. There were no drugs in school or on the streets . I could drive to school with a 30/30 carbine in a gun rack in the pickup window. Or even take it inside to show the high school principle

I have a plan let's boost the age limit even more and pass some more laws. We currently have the largest prison population in the world. We have teens on drugs and shooting in schools. It is not the parents or kid's fault It is the non-forgiving do gooding social engineers. More laws and higher taxes and everything be fine...

In my business right now in this area iy would be boon and eliminate some serious problems.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 1:38 pm 
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If you are an Adult at 18 and can VOTE at 18 and get DRAFTED at 18 and DIE for your Country ay 18 --For Gods Sake have a Drink !!!! ----

There are people who are 40 and can't drink responsibly. The 18 yr olds who are dieing from ALcohol poisining are few.  Let the Kids drink at home or in dorms and maybe THEY WON'T BE DRIVING AROUND which is when all the trouble starts

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 3:03 pm 
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I see merit to both what Sidewinder is stating, as well as what Jam is stating.. THAT ASIDE-

I'm ONLY thinking from a bar entertainment dollar and cents model.  Twenty years ago stricter enforcement raising the drinking age cut out some of bars businesses, within a few years prior or after strict DUI enforcement hurt business.  

(Yes, I know and agree with the merits of these laws, BUT.. from the perspective only of alcohol serving establishments and entertainers that rely on employment in alcohol serving establishments revenue, might this reversal be the start of increased bar revenue ? I am NO fan of alcohol, and have stated this)  -

In terms of alcohol establishment revenue- might this be a *start* which removes some of the antialcohol governing that began putting a big squeeze on bar businesses 20 years ago cutting out a very active age of patrons (Seniors in HS thru undergrad college age kids) ?  (dangers aside)

again this isn't a pro or con alcohol debate-  JUST bar revenue perspective

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 3:46 pm 
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As long as i've known our law has been 21 for drinking age for WA.  I can see the point that underage drinking is a problem due to the fact that the kids are going to sneek their alcohol (I remember doing it when I was 16-18 age bracket) anyway & lowering the age can help alliviate that by maybe allowing them to drink more responsibly instead of the binge drinking when they can get something illegally - then when they don't have anyone to call because they don't want to get into trouble from parents as well for drinking illegally.  It could be a good thing but then again, the driving laws would REALLY have to be enforced stronger than they've ever been.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:02 pm 
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At one time it was 18 in TN.  One of the problems was that the 18 and 19 year olds that were still in high school supplied the younger kids creating more problems with the high school students.


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 9:41 am 
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Bar revenue perspective ??

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 12:13 am 

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Bar liability perspective... :O   always more important than making money..

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