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Equipment Upgrade
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Author:  TomTom [ Fri Feb 08, 2008 5:52 am ]
Post subject:  Equipment Upgrade

Ok here go's, My bad I bought vocopro GigStarII, not knowing any better at the time. Didn't take long to learn, this time. I've see a lot of questions and answers here, and it looks like most drift towards RSQ, of am I still off track. I'm not a KJ or DJ, Just love to sing, but do want to do as well as I can. I've also seen an Vocal enhancher, that seems to do more than just through in reverb and key changes. Now I'm not a rich man, but could upgrade over a little time. Also don't do laptops, have standard desk top, and not all that great with it. I do take my system out of the house for small parties from time to time.. Just looking for some ideas,  :worship: Thanks....Tom

Author:  Jim_n_TN [ Sat Feb 09, 2008 5:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Equipment Upgrade

Tom Tom,

I looked up your GigStar II and it looks much nicer that my first two systems.  In fact its probably better than most of the non professionals who read this forum have. Sometimes I miss the easy setup of an all in one setup.  I only do a few partys for friends and relatives but it takes a lot more time now with a pa and player setup.

Upgrades with an all in one are limited.  I don't know how you can use a vocal enhancher with your unit but perhaps someone else will. I don't use any type of vocal enhancher other than reverb built into the mixer and keychanger built into the player.

You didn't say anything about your mics.  You might consider replacing your mics with better ones. This can make a lot of  diiference. I use the Shure SM58s which come very recommended in this forum. There are lots of posts on mics.  

Small partys don't usually need a lot of volume but it looks like you have outputs that maybe could go to additonal powered speakers?

You probably already have one but even when I was using an all in one I bought one of the tv stands and a small tv like they use in the bars. Also mic stands are nice to have. This doesn't upgrade your sound but makes it nicer to preform.

Anyway the system does not determine the amont of fun.


Author:  Jian [ Sat Feb 09, 2008 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Equipment Upgrade

What is a Vocal enhancer? Never seen one and never heard of one.

Author:  TomTom [ Sat Feb 09, 2008 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Equipment Upgrade

Hello Jim-n-Tn, First  Thank You for taking the time not only to reply, but for going and looking over the system, You bring up a  few good points, one thing we had thought of was the Mic's.

The one's I have are wireless, and came with the unit, as part of a package deal. Free add on, should of thought about the quality on them. I'll check out the one you show in your reply. I asked the company with the enhancer for some information, but as yet no reply.

We have found a great music store here in town, that has a good selection of equipment, so have to go and see them again. You are right on about upgrades to an all-in-one system. I think part of the problem might also be information over load as to what we really need.

Maybe I just need to work more with the equipment iI have, and learn more about it's full range of operations first, You are right, I did by a couple of mic stands and I find it much easier to practice the songs, I'm doing. I think if I would of had them before I sub'd anything they might of come out a little better.

You are very correct, sometimes we tend to forget, but for most of us, " It is for the fun of it, and the fun we have sharing with others" thanks for the reminder..

Again, Thanks for the information, and the time you took to reply..

A Friend in Florida, Tom

Author:  TomTom [ Sat Feb 09, 2008 7:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Equipment Upgrade

Hello Jian,  From what I was able to find out from the web site, it takes the normal inputs, and gives them a more studio sound. I found it by looking for vocal removers, on the "ask Jeeves" search engine. it show up under "vocal remover,voice enhancer" by V4, on the "itsound" site.  They don't give information for connecting it or any pricing, that all ahs to be requested. As I told Jim-n-Tn, they still haven't replied to the request.

So still waiting on that, But I will be checking on the mic's though..

Thanks, Your friend in Florida,

Author:  Jian [ Sat Feb 09, 2008 8:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Equipment Upgrade

A mixing board with a 3 band eq on the vocal channel and built in dsp effect for the vocal will do almost the same trick. and maybe a compressor.
There are some high end vocal processor that can add harmony and correct pitch on the fly, but they are expensive and difficult to use.

Author:  Lonman [ Sun Feb 10, 2008 2:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Equipment Upgrade

Jian @ Sat Feb 09, 2008 8:26 pm wrote:
There are some high end vocal processor that can add harmony and correct pitch on the fly, but they are expensive and difficult to use.

And only work if you are close to the key to begin with.

Author:  TomTom [ Mon Feb 11, 2008 5:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Equipment Upgrade

Hi Guys, Thanks for all your inputs. :worship:  Think I'm going to check out this system a little deeper, and see just what I can do with it. Thanks again for all the info and support. :handshake:  Your Friend....Tom

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