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Can anyone explain the Xbox Karaoke Format .krk
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Author:  o324712 [ Wed Dec 31, 2003 8:30 am ]
Post subject:  Can anyone explain the Xbox Karaoke Format .krk

M$ has got the consumers again. They are using a proprietary format and I was trying to find a conversion program if one exists or use another editor and save as a whatever format.


Author:  marley rules [ Wed Dec 31, 2003 4:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think this is too new, and I am not too sure that there will be much mainstream demand to convert XBOX karaoke files into another format or vice versa. I have not heard or seen the Xbox songs, but it seems much more like a novelty add-on to gain additional market appeal for the XBOX platform. I would expect to see an application like MP3+G Toolz support the proprietary CAVS standard before the XBOX KKR standard. At least with the CAVs files you can usually identify what label or version the song is. Also CAVs does have a decoder which you can purchase to convert their files back into standard bin files to burn onto discs. But, as I said, I have not heard the XBOX's versions. For all I know they could be excellent renditions, or they could be sub-par midi files.

Also their claims of vocal reduction are suspect at best. Experience has taught us that digital vocal reduction applications don't always give satisfactory results. When you also consider that the unit will only hold 250 karaoke songs at once, you realize that this indeed is a novelty.

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