Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

ISO regional karaoke publications + places to advertise a karaoke product?
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Author:  Raina [ Mon Mar 03, 2008 5:07 pm ]
Post subject:  ISO regional karaoke publications + places to advertise a karaoke product?

Hi! I'd love any tips and ideas on places to buy ads for a KARAOKE PRODUCT!

I am looking to buy ad space in any place- VENUE or PUBLICATION or SHOW- that reaches out to KARAOKE fans, such as Karaoke Scene Magazine or something similar. Since I'm based in LA I only know about KS, so any tips of contact info of other regional karaoke publications + venues would be greatly appreciated!

Also, I'm also looking to buy ad space on the interstitial screens that appear between songs/ singers. I've love any other tips on how to get in touch with people who sell those ads.

FYI, I recently wrote a book about karaoke (where I give a big Shout Out to the KS message boarders and Karaoke Scene magazine!).

http://www.chroniclebooks.com/index.php ... tore=books

Thank you so much!!!

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