Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

UPS Doesn't Want Me To Do Karaoke
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Author:  BlueRose [ Fri Mar 28, 2008 5:33 pm ]
Post subject:  UPS Doesn't Want Me To Do Karaoke

[font=Verdana]That's the only answer I can come up with.  I bought a DJ table, it arrived damaged, managed to get that problem resolved today, they are sending me a new table and letting me keep this one until the replacement arrives.  Then today I received the Peavey boom type mic stand from the gentleman in Tennessee that I purchased my speakers etc. from,  What I received was the base, and the boom.  I called him and left a message on his machine, he got right back to me and assured me that all of the pieces had been included when he shipped.  This guy has been great about communicating I might add.  There is a hole in the bottom corner of the box that would be big enough for the pole to have slipped through, so I am thinking it is in a warehouse somewhere or a truck, and people are standing around playing "what is it?"  My question is;  can a person just buy a replacement pole from Peavey.  I tried to get on their site and find out, but it seems to be down.....again[/font].

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