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Closing the Gap
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Author:  icenine [ Tue Jan 13, 2004 6:15 am ]
Post subject:  Closing the Gap

Now that I have my system settled for the most part I want to build my CDG collection.

I have the first 4 Chartbuster Essential 450 series (1800 songs), and I may pick up the Sound Choice foundation sets.

2 questions:

What year does each of these starter sets go up to?


What is the best way to 'close the gap' and get all of the most popular songs from the years that the starter sets don't cover?

Looking for some serious help!! :?



Author:  Barry James [ Tue Jan 13, 2004 7:28 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm not familiar with the starter sets in the states but, in my opinion, the best way to fill the gap is with custom discs.
These are, obviously, more expensive but you get what you want as opposed to a 15 track cdg from which only 3 songs will ever be sung!

There are some obvious recent songs that are 'must have' and the rest you can select based on customer requests.

Within a month of starting out you will have most of what you need!

Good luck, mate, and don't get disheartened if it takes a while to get established because it does!


Author:  knightshow [ Tue Jan 13, 2004 8:17 am ]
Post subject: 

I would get some of the "best of " discs from Pop Hits or Top Hits Monthly...

Sound Choice doesn't really discount a lot of their stuff, but they do have some specific "paks"...

for an idea, go to soundchoice.com and look around!

Author:  Lonman [ Tue Jan 13, 2004 9:54 am ]
Post subject: 

You are going to be duplicating quite a few of your songs (although the pop/rock should sound better) if you buy the Foundations on top of the chartbuster set. Do a comparison on each song listing first. If you buy the Foundation 1, the set goes to around 1997 or 98. Foundation 2 is completely different than 1 songwise & goes to around 2000.
Custom discs may be an option, but remember these ARE burns & may have trouble playing in SOME machines, plus these are more delicate than standard discs.
Are you doing shows now? Take requests from your singers & go from there. Don't just buy songs to have a big book, buy songs that your singers want to sing!!!

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Tue Jan 13, 2004 10:28 am ]
Post subject: 


I would suggest you look at the top online retailers and see what is on special, you will be surprised on some of the deals out there. Just be carefull to look at the decent manufacturers, Not all discs need to be SOUNDCHOICE to fill the gap. There are many decent sounding mfgs out there that have some good deals. look at "PACKS " or "best of " type deals where they offer an entire years worth of top hits for a price.

As lonnie suggested you MUST compare all future buys to your current library , the quickest way to waste money is buying duplicates of songs you already have. If you find you need those MUST HAVE SONGS,,custom discs is another alternative ..not that pricey if your're getting exactly what you want ...GOOD LUCK

Author:  marty3 [ Tue Jan 13, 2004 4:03 pm ]
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I think there are some deals on past year PHM sets, as well as the Supercore packs (mine from 2002 gets a lot of use and overall quality is okay for the most part).

Author:  Guest [ Tue Jan 13, 2004 10:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

If you have a local dealer.. purchase the manufacturer's catalogs.. they should have one without a pricelist.. and shoyld be releasing them right about now.. being it's time for the trade shows.. I should be getting one anyday they cost me right around $18.00 and have every thing my retailer buys from his distrubuters.. Which is the top 5 in market share. Plus Complimentary catalogs for the other media that he stocks.

Then go from there.. Personally I have picked up on 4 new companies that have new media just before NAMM and are about to break out.. mostly in the VCD market.

Plus one newer company that is really making a strong and impressive showing as every release makes the shelves.. I have a hunch I'll own all the releases by April.

Author:  icenine [ Wed Jan 14, 2004 4:11 am ]
Post subject: 

The problem is, Brian, that I don't have any local dealers -- at least that I know of. Actually, there is one place around 30 miles from me. I will call today to see what kind of selection they have and if they have any catalogues.

I wish I could make it to one of the shows. Hopefully, they have a show in the Boston area at some point.


Author:  penn65000 [ Wed Jan 14, 2004 7:01 am ]
Post subject: 

I think Top Tunes is great for more recent and up to date pop and country. Their quality for the most part is pretty good. I don't deal with a LOT of recent stuff, but maybe some of the others can comment on Top Tunes more authoritatively.


Author:  Guest [ Wed Jan 14, 2004 8:23 am ]
Post subject: 

I know Priddis does an individual catalog once a year, and it pretty much depends on where you buy from, on whether they will release it. With my dealer I'm able to get thiers pretty easily. But the price more than justifies the money I save each year in the number of CD+G's and other Media I buy.

Author:  icenine [ Wed Jan 14, 2004 8:42 am ]
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I just found out that the MFG for Top Hits is local. How is their quality?

Author:  knightshow [ Wed Jan 14, 2004 10:17 am ]
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I guess it's okay... I don't like their webadmin, or spokesman, or whatever he's called today. He reflects the company, and I have A MAJOR problem with his vanity and ego and it does interfere with the impression of the company.

now, on the pure sounds of the discs that are produced... it seems better than average. However, there has been some question of late about if the companies that do crank this stuff out so quickly, if they are applying for the proper licenses.

Nobody knows for certain. If your conscience is clear, go for it. I have made a conscious decision to boycott their products. But I will not try to influence anybody in that reguard. It's a personal decision... nothing more.

Author:  Kobey [ Wed Jan 14, 2004 5:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have some of the more recent Top Tunes and have no problems at all with the quality. And with the amount of songs you get on a disc for the price they are great for filling in gaps in your library.

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