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Saw the first ex wife today.....I couldn't resist myself
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Author:  Keith02 [ Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Saw the first ex wife today.....I couldn't resist myself

It's been ten years........Long time, huh?

........anyway.......When I saw her something flashed thru my mind.....It was total recall (in vivid color and surround sound) of the day she appoached me as I was relaxing n thumbing the remote......

Yep, she came from the back of the house and walked straight up to me and demanded to know why I pizzed in the bathroom sink......That day I just I looked at her standing there with her hands on her hips and saw the look in her eyes and realized she was nuts.....it flashed thru my mind-a picture of me actually doing that-and I laffed at her........Then I got serious and looked at her again and saw the signs of mental illness fully....Yep, she was truely nuts.......So I divorced her.

......Today-ten years later I see her...........So I walk up and say, "Hey, do you remember when you asked me if I pizzed in the sink? You were right, I  did it all the time and I also pizzed on your tooth brush almost everynight"......Then I walked away.

I know I shouldn't mess with the handicapped, but I simply couldn't stop myself.

I think i feel better LMAO

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Saw the first ex wife today.....I couldn't resist myself

Why do women cop a 'tude when we mark our territory ?

Author:  sidewinder [ Tue Apr 08, 2008 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Saw the first ex wife today.....I couldn't resist myself

:rofl4:  :rotflmao:

Seriously...what's the sink for???

Author:  Keith02 [ Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Saw the first ex wife today.....I couldn't resist myself

Exactly!.....As long as you don't hit the dishes, why should anyone care?

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Saw the first ex wife today.....I couldn't resist myself

Which is why I like being single.  My aim isn't what it used to be. I don't mind doing my own dishes.  Real men don't !

Author:  jdmeister [ Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Saw the first ex wife today.....I couldn't resist myself

Remind her that "Urine is sterile"..  LMAO

Author:  Keith02 [ Wed Apr 09, 2008 7:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Saw the first ex wife today.....I couldn't resist myself

jdmeister @ Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:34 am wrote:
Remind her that "Urine is sterile"..  LMAO

I didn't know that......hmmmm...Now I know why dogs lick themselves LMAO

But that makes me ask, "If urine is sterile, what if you are also sterile?"

Author:  jdmeister [ Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Saw the first ex wife today.....I couldn't resist myself

Keith02 @ Wed Apr 09, 2008 7:22 am wrote:
jdmeister @ Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:34 am wrote:
Remind her that "Urine is sterile"..  LMAO

I didn't know that......hmmmm...Now I know why dogs lick themselves LMAO

But that makes me ask, "If urine is sterile, what if you are also sterile?"

No harm, no fowl..  LMAO

Author:  johnny reverb [ Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Saw the first ex wife today.....I couldn't resist myself

wel, it's usually sterile.... LOL ....one time I was in a hotel, that had a TV in the bath room.......I sat on the pot and watched TV for about an hour, then I got up, walked over and pizzed on the bed......wife slept through the whole ordeal....woke up the next morning and exclaimed.......I don't know what happened last night.......but for some strange reason.......I don't have a single pimple on my face........

Author:  Keith02 [ Thu Apr 10, 2008 7:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Saw the first ex wife today.....I couldn't resist myself

Dang....Johnny that sounds like Canadian foreplay LMAO

Must be their long winters, I guess.

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