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Hard Drives legality, Sound Choice Response
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Author:  CostaKaraoke [ Wed Apr 09, 2008 2:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Hard Drives legality, Sound Choice Response

Thought you guys might like to read the following posted on a Karaoke site

[/quote]Hello Forum Members. This reply is posted by Kurt Slep, CEO of Sound Choice.  

I have quickly read through some of the postings here and would like to add the following short notes:

The Sunfly "offering" of allowing a license to add your CDG content to a hard drive is most likely based on the PPL (Phonographic Performance Limited) license which allows DJs to put their libraries on a hard drive.  This license is sold through various "agents"and costs £250.    Further information on that license can be found here :  http://www.ppluk.com/ppl/ppl_lf.nsf/DigitalDJ?openPageTheLoading

HOWEVER there currently is not a similar license for karaoke files, so Sunfly's "offer" could only "allow" you the right to copy THEIR version of music to a hard drive; you wouldn't have the underlying publishing rights that need to be granted by PPL or the MCPS.  

As mentioned by Big Jim1 on December 19th, David at AVA and I met with MCPS/PRS  (Mechanical Copyright Protection Society/Performance Rights Society) on December 11 and put a proposal together to create a HARD DRIVE license whereby pre-loaded hard drives could be legally sold (there is currently a 30 song limitation to selling songs on any physical medium).  Further, we proposed having NO FEE for allowing KJs to load their LEGALLY PURCHASED CDGs onto a hard drive IN EXCHANGE for signing a Code of Ethics Pledge and "registering" with a Professional KJ organization that manufacturers and some KJs in both the US and UK are trying to organize.

Also, Big Jim, loading CDGs to hard drives systems IS NOT LEGAL in the US either, but US publishers have not challenged the practice.   US Karaoke Manufacturers also control the rights to this and Sound Choice has never authorized the transfer of CDGS to hard drives.

Sound Choice is consulting with AVA on their hard drive solution and subsequent download solution and working with MCPS to create licenses for both that are valid in the UK and US markets.   Together, with AVA and other manufacturers we hope to be able to provide KJs with legal, relatively easy, cost effective solutions to build and maintain and update their hard drive libraries.

Best Regards,

Kurt Slep
CEO, Sound Choice  
Kurt Slep CEO Sound Choice  

Author:  sidewinder [ Wed Apr 09, 2008 3:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hard Drives legality, Sound Choice Response

We will be waiting... :whistle:  :yes:

Author:  BlueRose [ Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hard Drives legality, Sound Choice Response

[font=verdana]I have often thought the companies that sell or manufacture our music and/or equipment should band together and see if something can be done about this legality issue. Some of them are very big companies and together they would have a lot more influence. If there were no more karaoke shows they would lose a sizable part of their market. Another solution is for KJ’s to form an organization, but that’s never going to happen. I’m with SW, waiting!  [/font] :whistle:  :yes:

Author:  johnny reverb [ Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hard Drives legality, Sound Choice Response

For the last time....Hard drives are legal.....I have several, and every one of them is legal........now mind you......some of the sh!t I got on them ain't legal, but the drives themselves are perfectly legal.....well, at least they were when I first bought them....sorry for the interuption....as you were...... :drunk:

Author:  CostaKaraoke [ Thu Apr 10, 2008 12:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hard Drives legality, Sound Choice Response

The whole thread makes for interesting reading with a response from Sunfly as well. The Thread is far to long to cut and paste and out of courtesy to karaokescene I have not included the link. So here I am asking permission.

Dear Karaokescene may I include the link please

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Apr 10, 2008 1:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hard Drives legality, Sound Choice Response

CostaKaraoke @ Thu Apr 10, 2008 12:10 am wrote:
The whole thread makes for interesting reading with a response from Sunfly as well. The Thread is far to long to cut and paste and out of courtesy to karaokescene I have not included the link. So here I am asking permission.

Dear Karaokescene may I include the link please

Provide a link to the pertinent info!

Author:  CostaKaraoke [ Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hard Drives legality, Sound Choice Response



Author:  knightshow [ Thu Apr 10, 2008 1:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hard Drives legality, Sound Choice Response

well, the guys that kept slamming chased away Sunfly! Absolutely amazing!

I look forward to where this is going!

Author:  sidewinder [ Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hard Drives legality, Sound Choice Response

It has to mean that they have received all the necessary swipe and other rights from all of the publishing companies and song writers and owners.  

For Sunfly.   But someone also says they will load on your own discs.  Can't have the swipe rights for unknown discs too.

Does it say you can use it for money in a public performance?   Or just like my hard drive now, in my house.

Author:  knightshow [ Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hard Drives legality, Sound Choice Response

what part of fully legal didn't you read, sw? This is something for the US and the UK markets that SC has been looking at.

Author:  sidewinder [ Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hard Drives legality, Sound Choice Response

It actually says you can 'get' your current CDGs loaded. Reading between the lines this means that you can't load/transfer/copy your own CDGs. More like you tell the supplier which CDGs you've got and then pay (again) for the tracks to be loaded onto the Quickey. Think of it as a very, very large Custom Burn disc that can be updated at will...

If you want to trade in your current song versions for their versions.    And pay again.   And if they don't have the same song then what?  

And then do they have the swipe rights for another company's songs?

I agree legal for the Sunfly discs legality.  Read the rest.

Author:  knightshow [ Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hard Drives legality, Sound Choice Response

I DID read it. I spent yesterday afternoon reading ALL the posts... did YOU?

ALL the rights go with this IF they get approval. The problem is getting the copyright authorities in the UK to 1.) settle down and decide to do it, and 2.) keep the staff of contacts the same so there's some history there.

Author:  sidewinder [ Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hard Drives legality, Sound Choice Response

CostaKaraoke @ Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:14 pm wrote:
Thought you guys might like to read the following posted on a Karaoke site

Hello Forum Members. This reply is posted by Kurt Slep, CEO of Sound Choice.  

I have quickly read through some of the postings here and would like to add the following short notes:

The Sunfly "offering" of allowing a license to add your CDG content to a hard drive is most likely based on the PPL (Phonographic Performance Limited) license which allows DJs to put their libraries on a hard drive.  This license is sold through various "agents"and costs £250.    Further information on that license can be found here :  http://www.ppluk.com/ppl/ppl_lf.nsf/DigitalDJ?openPageTheLoading

HOWEVER there currently is not a similar license for karaoke files, so Sunfly's "offer" could only "allow" you the right to copy THEIR version of music to a hard drive; you wouldn't have the underlying publishing rights that need to be granted by PPL or the MCPS.  

As mentioned by Big Jim1 on December 19th, David at AVA and I met with MCPS/PRS  (Mechanical Copyright Protection Society/Performance Rights Society) on December 11 and put a proposal together to create a HARD DRIVE license whereby pre-loaded hard drives could be legally sold (there is currently a 30 song limitation to selling songs on any physical medium).  Further, we proposed having NO FEE for allowing KJs to load their LEGALLY PURCHASED CDGs onto a hard drive IN EXCHANGE for signing a Code of Ethics Pledge and "registering" with a Professional KJ organization that manufacturers and some KJs in both the US and UK are trying to organize.

Also, Big Jim, loading CDGs to hard drives systems IS NOT LEGAL in the US either, but US publishers have not challenged the practice.   US Karaoke Manufacturers also control the rights to this and Sound Choice has never authorized the transfer of CDGS to hard drives.

Sound Choice is consulting with AVA on their hard drive solution and subsequent download solution and working with MCPS to create licenses for both that are valid in the UK and US markets.   Together, with AVA and other manufacturers we hope to be able to provide KJs with legal, relatively easy, cost effective solutions to build and maintain and update their hard drive libraries.

Best Regards,

Kurt Slep
CEO, Sound Choice  
Kurt Slep CEO Sound Choice  

Read the line that start with HOWEVER...

Author:  knightshow [ Fri Apr 11, 2008 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hard Drives legality, Sound Choice Response

yes he said CURRENTLY. The part where Kurt got involved is that they're TRYING TO GET THE APPROVAL FOR IT!

DOUBLE sheesh!

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