http://www.tornadoxtreme.com/Live_Chase ... e_cam.html
Wanted to let you all know that I have added a live streaming storm chase web cam to my website. While I am chasing and have a decent data connection I will be transmitting live video from my dashcam. I've already been on a few chases this season with some decent luck. It's been a real adventure and every storm and experience it seems is often quite different. One chase I had really good streaming luck and the next I didn't have a decent data connection so couldn't transmit at all. However I just purchased some new equipment online to get a wireless broadband signal across much of the plains supposedly 98% of the time at fairly fast speeds (EVDO, and IXRTT). So once I have that set up, I should be pretty much always able to stream.
I just realized I probably need to have some type of status under the cam so those that click to that page might have some idea when next I will transmit. I will update for that soon. I may also add a screen next to it that displays a road map with my vehicle position and a radar overlay of the storms, but I have to work out the technical aspects.
I still haven't gotten around to updating my site for this year's (2008) chases. I will very soon though, so stop in (likely in a few days) and see what's new and check out the live cam in action.
My best guess is the next chases will be next Wed, Thu, Fri - and most storm days are active late afternoon / early evening although I often chase into the night.