There is nobody i know that is more dedicated and more committed to promoting quality "karaoke" than i am. That's Karaoke, not dance music and magic tricks.
That includes the quality of my sound, the selection, the way i treat my singers, build my crowds and many other things.
You are not in the business of promoting "karaoke" if you are too busy doing other forms of entertainment during your "karaoke" show. The lack of dedicated singers proves it. They have found real places to "karaoke."
Karaoke all but died in this area because the hosts could not adapt and wanted to stay with the old ways. There were too many new hosts that just concentrated on karaoke did not know how to deal with or talk to mngrs or owners. Some owners took advantage of their inexperience and had them working for nothing. When the price went down my rig started to sit idle more and more.
We are currently on course to bring karaoke back up to the level that it used to be. Currently I get $50-$75/night more than the rest in the area. I have done all nighters and had 12 year olds running the karaoke. So dont tell me I dont know how to promote karaoke. It is already in the works to do freebies like out in the park on the 4th with top bands.
Explain again how other forms of entertainment at a KARAOKE show promotes the growth of karaoke and the karaoke industry? Read this again until you understand what i just asked.
I have explained in several posts although I will reiterate. One of our last nights we had the Yaeger Meister gals in with their promo. It was a co-ordinated effort between an owner, the mngr, staff and us. WE have also had Budweiser promos but they like to do them when we are doing karaoke because that is when the bar is packed.
The owner that bought out the rest is an avid karaoke singer. He is also very good. The chance of anybody elsr doing karaoke there or getting pushed on a back burner is about slim to none. Yet he gives us full rein and lets us make the karaoke decisions because we know what we are doing and are making it work.
If your show is half karaoke and half something else, what is your agenda and how is that promoting karaoke? I'm not talking about how you think it adds to the bars income, keep money out of this conversation for now. HOW does it promote KARAOKE. It promotes other forms of entertainment equally. Karaoke is being pushed to the back burner. Sooner or later karaoke will be pushed off the table. Your show doesn't stress the karaoke. It's just a "PART" of the rest of the nights proceedings. So now tell me, how is what you do contributing to the ACTUAL promotion and growth of my main business, KARAOKE.
If you had been reading and studying my posts then you would know one of our main problems is we dont have enough room. I have also stated several times if we have 30 singers we can go strictly to that format in seconds because my host and I have done that for years and can do it in our sleep. The fact whether we have 10 or 30 singers is not a measure of success. That is an old antiquated concept.
My job is not bringing in a crowd with karaoke alone it is co-ordinating with all staff including the owner. BTW I will not work a bar with a drinking owner and will pack up and leave in a second.
You started out as a KJ. You are transforming into something else. So for you the karaoke is losing it's importance to promote your agenda of being a total entertainer. Or you would still be doing karaoke. Evidentally karaoke by itself can't do the job. Promoting other forms of entertainment is taking away the importance of the karaoke.
I started out as a green nosed kid. But through various professional vocations I know the bar business in and out. I didnt start out as a KJ either. I have MC'D crowds of 4 or 5 thousand at county fairs and have hosted belly dance shows. I have given ship tours to prime ministers and dignitaries for the Admiral of the 6th Fleet as a crew member of the flag ship. Hosting karaoke is boring as hell to me unless the magic and energy is there. We present the entire package and if you werent so busy trying to poke holes in it you might learn something.
In real life folks do not question my experience and wisdom and they do not hurl immature insults like some do here. I have been in many business and board meetings and can discuss solutions in many ways or capacities. I have also been in direct sales.
If you still dont comprehend my address is on my web site If you wish when we open again in a few weeks you can call the bar and talk to Dave the owner or any of my singers. I can give you references till the cows come home.
Questions? As long as you stay on a positive plane I will discuss many methods with you or anybody else. Also I am still in a learning mode for I am way short of knowing it all. Thanks for your attention and patience. Perhaps one day we can meet at a karaoke show.
Thank You,
Ollie Smith
Cabaret Karaoke