Karen K @ Thu Apr 24, 2008 10:33 am wrote:
I have ordered some Nightwish karaoke music from Finland and it is in DVD format. I have a DVD player in my rack but it isn't hooked up currently (don't use it). Need some advice on the best way to integrate this so I can use the DVD.
I play karaoke music through MTU Hoster. I think what I need is just a switch, correct? Can someone advise me on this? I can't get the Nightwish on CDG or I would in a second. Second best thing is to play it through the DVD player I already have in the rack.
Thanks in advance.
Yes you will need a switch. Chances are the DVD player doesn't have S-Video out like the Hoster computer. So you will need a switch with multiple input/output combinations. If you are running an RF converter to get the computer signal to the club tv's, you would run both the computer & DVD into the switchbox, then the output of the switch to the RF convertor input.
Or to make it REAL simple, get a switchbox with an RF converter built in.
http://www.amazon.com/Magnavox-M61151-V ... B00013BKXC
This is the one I use & any combo of inputs & outputs can be used - meaning you can use an s-video input on one, an RCA input on the other & either Coax/s-video/RCA or all at the same time for the output.