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Roughing It!
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Author:  BlueRose [ Sat May 10, 2008 5:39 am ]
Post subject:  Roughing It!

[font=verdana] Today’s the big day, my oldest daughter, her daughter and two little ones will be arriving from Georgia.  I was on a house cleaning frenzy until last Wednesday when my well went kapoot.  The well guys came yesterday a little after noon, so I’m thinking I am going to have water pretty soon, no they left at 3:30pm, and I’m guessing they don’t work weekends as it’s after 9am and they still haven’t shown up.  Luckily Johnny lives only two doors down so we can go down there and shower.  My landlord brought me several 4 gal buckets of water for necessities, like making coffee and flushing.  LOL  Years ago, I’m talking mid 60’s I lived on a ranch in eastern Oregon with husband and 3 small children without running water or bathroom facilities, so I am an experienced hand at roughing it.


Author:  SweetestL [ Sat May 10, 2008 7:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roughing It!

Sorry you are having to go through that, and I hope you have an awesome time with your family. Best wishes, to you.  :hug:

Author:  karyoker [ Sat May 10, 2008 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roughing It!

If I was there I could fix it. We have maintained wells on the farm for years. What did they say was wrong with it? I lived in one place that had a cistern and a hand pump in the house. I know what spitting wood is and shoveling snow to the outhouse. I was 8 years old before we had electricity. We have survived winters on venison, antelope and elk.

Author:  BlueRose [ Fri May 23, 2008 6:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roughing It!

[font=verdana] Ollie, you and I have a lot in common, if I am ever able to make a trip out west, I am definitely coming through Greeley and meeting you. I too remember the pumps in the kitchen, and one out in the yard, having to prime them sometimes.  LOL  I think were giving away our age.  The well guys said that there was a hole in the pipe too far down, so they had to dig a new well.  In the meantime they ran a hose from my neighbor’s well to my pump, so I did have running water in the house.  My landlord owns both houses.  Wednesday they finished drilling the new well, so everything is back to normal.

I really enjoyed my families visit, as an added bonus they brought along one of the grandson’s too.  My granddaughter turned 23 the day they arrived, and the grandson was 21 in March.  A little hard for this grandma to see him with a beer in his hand. Even harder when they left last Saturday morning.  I just hope it’s not another 3 years before I see them again.  I love my son in law, but since he married my daughter in 1997, they have always lived away from me, due to his work.

We went up to Kalkaska and did a show for the old folks.  My grandchildren did two songs together, “Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better” and Sonny and Cher’s “I Got You Babe.” Kassy even donned a outrageous wig for the second one and did her Cher impression.  The people really enjoyed it. Especially Elsie, she is quite the swinger.  Love to get up and dance, although she has to have one of the CNA’s help her to stand.

Sorry the pics are kind of blurry, don't know what happened there, they aren't blurry on my computer.


File comment: Dondi, doing "Grandpa"
Pict0101.jpg [ 9.86 KiB | Viewed 3155 times ]
File comment: Kassy & Dustin “I Got You Babe.”
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File comment: Kassy & Dustin “Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better”
Pict0098.jpg [ 9.39 KiB | Viewed 3154 times ]

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