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UN powered Mixers
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Author:  jamkaraoke [ Wed May 14, 2008 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  UN powered Mixers

I was browsing MF site looking at mixers - Currently I'm using a Behringer 1222FX - few years old so I was looking to see what is out there as a possible replacement / upgrade.  I was looking for an all in one  / Effects / Equalizer  / etc etc.

Besides the Mackie DFX12 - which is not RACKABLE --there is nothing out there in the $200-$300 range?  I did see some nice units from Peavey and Yamaha which have EFFECTS but no 5/7 band EQ in board.  When I 1st started out I did use a Peavey mixer with no EQ or Effects --HOW IMPORTANT IS THE 7 BAND EQ ( I know a 15-31 band is better ( but not going to happen for me).  Can you run a GOOD SOUNDING rig without an EQ just using the 3 band channel adjustments?

I did like the Mackie CFX12 MKII ---Little pricey for me $549  **HEY LON IS THIS THE ONE YOU ARE USING NOW?***   Anyway This looks like a nice unit but can't tell if it is "rackable"?  So it looks like my choices are a new  Behringer 1222FX (but why since the old one is still working) or really upgrading to the CFX12 MKII - Can some one tell me if I would notice a better overall sound using a better MIXER?

If you know of a good rackable mixer with effects and eq in the $200-$300 range let me know :wave:

Author:  Karen K [ Wed May 14, 2008 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UN powered Mixers

Ironic that I should read this - We have the Mackie you're talking about - Limitation is no mid EQ for vocals. Does have EQ for music, which is nice. Built-in effects are okay...and it is indeed NOT rackmountable. We rigged it up fine on the DJ thingy we use and I had been satisfied with it for a while but found that not being able to add a nice midrange to most female voices really was limiting my ability to get a great sound. So.....

We just this past week replaced it with one of our Behringer boards that has 5 eq adjustments per channel. (low, low-mid, mid, high-mid, and high).  Built-in effects on the B are better than the ones on the Mackie, and it is rack mountable. However, I DID notice the difference in quality of the sound. Don't know if it's my imagination, but the Mackie produced a better overall sound. Could be a number of other things, so will keep the B in the rack until we can fine tune. Since we're going to install a switch box for DVD, we'll probably set it up in the living room and mess with it to figure out the best configuration for everything. Like I said, could be my imagination, but I did prefer the sound with Mackie.  (We were running sound through Mackie SM350s and SM450s)


Author:  stogie [ Wed May 14, 2008 10:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UN powered Mixers

Is this the one you have or is this a newer model of your mixer?

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Wed May 14, 2008 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UN powered Mixers


Which Mackie board do you the DFX12 ? --If that's the one I agree with all you said --I was using a DFX12 before the Behringer but due to RACKMOUNTED and the NO MID range on the channel strips I sold the Mackie for the Behringer  which I agree also has BETTER EFFECTS than the DFX12. -- I'm really curious about the OTHER Mackie CFX12 MKII

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Wed May 14, 2008 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UN powered Mixers


That's the EXACT mixer I have now --- I know Behringer has packaged a NEWER version  listed as http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/ ... sku=631270

Xenyx --- Don't know how much IMPROVED over the older version

Author:  stogie [ Wed May 14, 2008 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UN powered Mixers

Just curious, why do you want to replace the Behringer?

Author:  Lonman [ Wed May 14, 2008 11:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UN powered Mixers

jamkaraoke @ Wed May 14, 2008 10:21 am wrote:
I was browsing MF site looking at mixers - Currently I'm using a Behringer 1222FX - few years old so I was looking to see what is out there as a possible replacement / upgrade.  I was looking for an all in one  / Effects / Equalizer  / etc etc.

Besides the Mackie DFX12 - which is not RACKABLE --there is nothing out there in the $200-$300 range?  I did see some nice units from Peavey and Yamaha which have EFFECTS but no 5/7 band EQ in board.  When I 1st started out I did use a Peavey mixer with no EQ or Effects --HOW IMPORTANT IS THE 7 BAND EQ ( I know a 15-31 band is better ( but not going to happen for me).  Can you run a GOOD SOUNDING rig without an EQ just using the 3 band channel adjustments?

If the mixer is good, you won't need the onboard eq.  They are generally too small to do anything but a couple of tonal adjustments anyway.  I always ran mine flat & used the externals.

I did like the Mackie CFX12 MKII ---Little pricey for me $549  **HEY LON IS THIS THE ONE YOU ARE USING NOW?***   Anyway This looks like a nice unit but can't tell if it is "rackable"?  So it looks like my choices are a new  Behringer 1222FX (but why since the old one is still working) or really upgrading to the CFX12 MKII - Can some one tell me if I would notice a better overall sound using a better MIXER?

It used to be the one I had but I outgrew it, very nice board & will sound better than the current Behringer board - Karen isn't imagining.  When I got my CFX, it replaced a Soundcraft Spirit Folio 4 board, difference was night & day sound wise.
My current board is a Mackie 1642 VLZ3.
Oh & you can get rack ears for the CFX
I'm sure you can find them cheaper elsewhere.

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Wed May 14, 2008 12:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UN powered Mixers

Lon, I forget you upgraded -- I bet that new board is SWEET ?

Stogie,  I am one not afraid to admit I LIKE BEHRINGER PRODUCTS !   :O
The board I have now is a few years old , works fine , all channels. EQ and effects
all working as day 1.   Every once in awhile I get the urge to BUY SOMETHING   LMAO - I was thinking of keeping my current set up and making it a back up and putting together something NEW.  Most likely get a bigger amp (500w x 2 @8ohms) and add my newly purchased DBX 266xl. So I was just ASKING about new mixers and to be honest can't see anything that compares to t he Behringer ( feature wise) for the same price range .  The MAcki CFXmkii is a nice board but seems BIG for what I use ( no subs / no processors / no external effects etc).

I might just get another Behringer  or try the Peavey or Yamaha without the band EQ ???

Author:  mckyj57 [ Wed May 14, 2008 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UN powered Mixers

I looked at them all and bought a Yamaha MG124C (not X because I use external Lexicon).

What sold me on the Yamaha was the four channels of compression included. Compression makes a big difference for karaoke -- what a luxury to be able to turn up the compression when I get my mic cuppers and screamers. (It also seems to keep them from doing it when they realize they don't get that *oomph*.)

The only downside for me was no mono out. If you run stereo, it will work great.

Author:  Lonman [ Wed May 14, 2008 1:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UN powered Mixers

jamkaraoke @ Wed May 14, 2008 12:27 pm wrote:
Lon, I forget you upgraded -- I bet that new board is SWEET ?

Oh yeah!  It is actually VERY much cleaner sounding than even the CFX - and that was a much cleaner sounding board over my previous ones.  I couldn't believe there would be that much difference between the CFX & VLZ but it was alot!

Author:  Karen K [ Wed May 14, 2008 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UN powered Mixers

I think I'll just pull the Behringer and put the VLZ back in, and remount the outboard effects. What a pain in the crack!


Author:  kj-karaoke [ Wed May 14, 2008 11:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UN powered Mixers

I have a yamaha mg16 channel with fx and i love it is has all the stuff built in bought in on ebay for 300.00 or so cant rember excat price but close to that

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Thu May 15, 2008 6:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UN powered Mixers

Are the new Yamahas "rackable" ?   or even the Peaveys for that matter
They don't mention it or look like they can be ????

http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/ ... sku=630142

http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/ ... sku=631369

Author:  mckyj57 [ Thu May 15, 2008 7:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UN powered Mixers

The Yamaha are only rackable in the sense that you can put a shelf or straps in your typical slanted rack and put them there.

Author:  LondonLive [ Thu May 15, 2008 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UN powered Mixers

jamkaraoke @ Thu May 15, 2008 9:56 am wrote:
Are the new Yamahas "rackable" ?   or even the Peaveys for that matter
They don't mention it or look like they can be ????

http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/ ... sku=630142

http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/ ... sku=631369

Apparently the new models aren't, they just keep cutting corners these days. If you can find one of the previous generation, the MG12/4FX in your case, they actually have the rack mounting ears built in already, just remove a couple of screws and turn a couple of panels around. Very well made compact mixer.

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