Going back to prior post threads about piracy and copyright enfringment and enforcement,
I'm looking for places to do karaoke in Pomona, Ca, also in Bishop, Ca an Klamath Falls, Ore(as Im going down there in July and wanted to find a place to go sing---anyone have any ideas of places for these 3 places??).
I came across this link to a story about some enforcement activity down in the LA area. Apparetnly it applies to ASIAN KARAOKE RELEASES and enforcement of licensing fees for the Asian manufacutrers and lables.
I wonder if this could be the form of enforcement we might start to see in NON-ASIAN Karaoke venues/manu's/lables.
Anyone see anything like this in their areas??
Something to wonder about.
http://www.thestandard.com.hk/stdn/std/ ... 3Dh01.html
I believe this article originated in the LA TIMES.