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Thursday night in the land of Swirl
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Author:  mckyj57 [ Fri Jun 20, 2008 4:06 am ]
Post subject:  Thursday night in the land of Swirl

Last night I went to visit DJ Swirl, who I now know as Scott. He has a Thursday night show at a place less than an hour from my home -- strange enough, he will be driving past my house Saturday on the way to Whitewater State Park, where I am doing a gig Friday night.

The show and the sound were real good, though the place was a bit deadish. I was quite impressed with the ease and polish of the setup -- everything was well laid out and thought out. There was a nice stage, and a big-screen off to the side to show the lyrics to the audience.

There were two tremendous singers besides Scott -- one regular nailed "Over the Hills and Far Away" by Zeppelin, and an unknown (but certainly not unknown everywhere) wowed the crowd with Melissa Ethridge's "I'm Not the Only One", hands down the best I have heard that song done. I got to sing four time even though I left before midnight.

Thanks Swirl for my welcome. I am glad I got to visit you and add Furlongs in Hebron, KY to the list of karaoke shows I have visited.

Author:  DJ Swirl [ Fri Jun 20, 2008 6:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Thursday night in the land of Swirl

Thanks for the kind words, Mickey! It was great to see you and I'm glad you enjoyed it. Sorry it was dead last night. Like I said, it's usually about twice to three times as busy. But hey, all the better for you because you got to sing a lot!

I agree with you about the mystery girl who did Melissa Etheridge. She was awesome...and disappeared quickly after singing. Karaoke hopper maybe? Rival KJ? I dunno. She's welcome back anytime, though, as are you. Loved your song choices, especially the Marshall Tucker tune.

Author:  ericlater [ Fri Jun 20, 2008 6:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Thursday night in the land of Swirl

Last night, according to a few of my friends, was dead in most places around here, too!

Author:  Bill H. [ Fri Jun 20, 2008 8:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Thursday night in the land of Swirl

We were slower than usual last night too. Anyone in the first round could have easily sung four times between then and midnight, as mckyj57 did in DJ's room. I actually played some fill at the start for the first time in awhile.

Maybe it was contagious.

Author:  Karen K [ Fri Jun 20, 2008 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Thursday night in the land of Swirl

I wonder if school getting out and families 'reorganizing' for summer activities has something to do with it? Time of the year for different community festivals and activities as well. Hubby's houseband gig was quiet last night, too....weird....


Author:  mckyj57 [ Fri Jun 20, 2008 9:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Thursday night in the land of Swirl

We will see how my state park gig goes tonight. If my guess is correct, they have left the bars and gone to the parks. 8-)

Author:  Babs [ Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Thursday night in the land of Swirl

It's so cool to get a visit from people on KS. It sounds like a great setup Swirl.

Slow nights, no one can predict those. It's probably a bad thing, but I actually look foward to them once in a while. My Wed. nights have turned into a big night lately, almost as busy as my Fridays. Saturdays are the nights I'm not sure how busy I'll be. I had one this month with only 6 singers ! I took a break in the middle of the night. I haven't done that in 4 yrs.

Author:  mckyj57 [ Fri Jun 20, 2008 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thursday night in the land of Swirl

Babs @ Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:05 pm wrote:
It's so cool to get a visit from people on KS.

Babs, I know you only do every other Saturday. Any chance July 12th is the day? If it is, I think I can make it. I *might* be able to make it on the 11th, but that is less certain.

Author:  Babs [ Fri Jun 20, 2008 12:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thursday night in the land of Swirl

mckyj57 @ Fri Jun 20, 2008 2:00 pm wrote:
Babs @ Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:05 pm wrote:
It's so cool to get a visit from people on KS.

Babs, I know you only do every other Saturday. Any chance July 12th is the day? If it is, I think I can make it. I *might* be able to make it on the 11th, but that is less certain.

Right now I'm doing every Saturday. We had a band coming in once a month, but they are gone now. They couldn't pull a big enough crowd during the summer, so the owner wants them to take a break.

I think it is safe to say I'll be working that Saturday. If he decides to schedule a different band at the last minute I'll let you know. Of course I'm always there Wednesdays and Firdays too. :D

Author:  DJ Swirl [ Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thursday night in the land of Swirl

It's a shame I'm not going to be in Chicago next weekend, babs. Normally, I go there for the big nerd fest called WizardWorld Chicago (a comic book convention), which was scheduled earlier than normal this year. I'll be on vacation and won't be able to make it, or I'd hit up your show. Guess it'll have to wait until next year...

Author:  Babs [ Fri Jun 20, 2008 3:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thursday night in the land of Swirl

Woo hoo ! It makes my day to know you guys would come see little ole me.

Thank you !

Author:  mckyj57 [ Fri Jun 20, 2008 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thursday night in the land of Swirl

Babs @ Fri Jun 20, 2008 3:30 pm wrote:
Right now I'm doing every Saturday. We had a band coming in once a month, but they are gone now. They couldn't pull a big enough crowd during the summer, so the owner wants them to take a break.

I think it is safe to say I'll be working that Saturday. If he decides to schedule a different band at the last minute I'll let you know. Of course I'm always there Wednesdays and Firdays too. :D

Great! I will hope it looks good, and probably make it later on that night. My father's best friend, who has Parkinsons, is giving a pig roast downtown. I am going as I am not sure how many more times I will get to see him. I suspect it will be over early, but it takes a while to get from Marina Centre to where you are.

Usually I would eat at your venue, but I suspect I will be fed at the pig roast.

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