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APi microphones
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Author:  stogie [ Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  APi microphones

I went to a Karaoke show tonight that I've never been to before and they had a couple of wired APi microphones that seemed pretty decent. I only looked at them briefly and didn't notice the model number. Anyone ever heard of this brand of microphones before??? I figured they were probably junk mics because they were using Gemini speakers, but the mics were good, a total surprise.

Author:  Donny B [ Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: APi microphones

:wave: stogie,

I've "heard" of the name, but never actually used the mics themselves, HOWEVER, me thinks that if the sound from the mic to the speakers to the listener, or the singer (you?) that evidently, the speakers, and any "tweaking" the host may or may not have done, would be why the mics sounded acceptable. ( I use Gemini speakers lol) Sorry to learn that you consider Gemini as a producer of "junk" :roll:

Donny "B" 8)

BTW, If you want to know more about those mics, go to http://www.APiKaraoke.com

Author:  stogie [ Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: APi microphones

Thanks for the link Danny, I had already found that one, I just couldn't find any online retailers selling APi mics which makes me wonder about them. I was also looking for feedback from anyone here who might be using APi mics on a regular basis.

Sorry man I didn't mean to put your speakers down or to put you down. The speakers actually didn't sound bad most of the time at low volume levels. Once in a while I heard some real weird noises and since I wasn't operating the equipment I can't say what was causing it. Some was rumble and some sounded like the cone was rubbing or rattling. As far as Gemini speakers go though, I doubt you will find a real pro sound guy anywhere who considers Gemini speakers to be pro grade or pro quality. It is what it is. They are consumer grade speakers made to look like pro gear and they can't handle high SPLs. At low volume levels I'm sure they're fine. I've used Gemini wireless mics that were fine.

Author:  Jian [ Thu Jul 10, 2008 5:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: APi microphones

If it is the same company that make those huge Legacy mixing board, then it must be good. But I am not aware that they make mic.

Author:  Donny B [ Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: APi microphones

Jian @ Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:57 am wrote:
If it is the same company that make those huge Legacy mixing board, then it must be good. But I am not aware that they make mic.

Hi Jian,

Nope, I believe the company that makes the Legacy is "API" not "APi". Two different companies as far as I know.

Donny "B" 8)

Author:  jdmeister [ Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: APi microphones

I'm shure my mics are good.. :shock:

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