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Computer Virus Warning
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Author:  Karaoke w/Ron [ Sat Jan 31, 2004 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Computer Virus Warning

I don't have the details, but my wife just called me into the other room to listen to a tv news article about a new computer virus out. I missed it by the time I got there, but they said its set to strike tomorrow (Super Bowl Sunday). They recommended to avoid it you have the most up-to-date virus protection. The other recommendation was to stay off the internet tomorrow.

Don't know about the rest of ya, but to me it ain't worth taking a chance on. So think I'll just stay down for one day. Just thought I'd pass it along in case anyone wants to take heed.

Author:  jdmeister [ Sun Feb 01, 2004 11:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Just like a lot of life, don't forget your protection.
Allways use an up-to-date virus scanner.
Don't open attachments unless you are sure.
(You never know where they have been)
Spybot Search & Destroy is free and works great to discover spyware.
You can get it at download.com by searching on that name.

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Sun Feb 01, 2004 12:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

ACHOOOOOOOOOOOO! Sniffle, Sniffle... :P

Chicken soup please????
and my blankie???

I just virus scaned.. NADA.. I probably wil do it a few more times today..

it'll probably show up about time that the patriots lose to the panthers... some sore losing fan. of a hacker.. :evil:

or at half time with a pop up of a NUDE centerfold "POP-UP" of Janet Jackson.
we can only let our minds wonder..

heck it could even be the latest "rodent dance virus"

something to look forward to or NOT to...

EXPLICIT LYRICS deleted by Author.. :P

Author:  Karaoke w/Ron [ Mon Feb 02, 2004 5:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Ahhhwww!!! I told ya so, I knew it, It hit all of ya ...

It was Janet Jackson's breast :puke:

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Tue Feb 03, 2004 11:23 am ]
Post subject: 

I got 5 of them really... :shock:

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