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Paypal 101
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Author:  Bill H. [ Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  Paypal 101

I've done a few general internet searches but couldn't find any with just basic info on Paypal so I've come to you guys for this.

I've recently lost out on some great Ebay buys because I don't have a Paypal account. So...

If I set up an account with my Mastercard as source for payment, does Paypal charge an amount up front that just sits there even if I'm not buying anything? (I've heard $50...)

Have any of you been charged for things you didn't buy, or overchargesd? Any bad experiences?

I'm not going to use it much, maybe a few times a year, and probably will not ever sell anything with Paypal as payment. It's just to purchase when that's the only option from seller.

Author:  eben [ Mon Aug 04, 2008 10:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Paypal 101

I use Paypal all the time and here is what I know.

First, the best way to do it is to link your Paypal to your checking account. That way you have a choice between your CC and checking account. As a buyer or sender, I believe you do not pay any fees. You may pay fee to transfer money back to your checking account. The difference is that if you buy through ebay and pay through Paypal from your checking account, you get a buys protection up to $1,000. I have no idea what that means since I never had to use it but using a CC doesn't provide this protection.

Once you sign up, they will send you two small deposits to you checking account. Then you log in to verify by entering the two amounts of deposit. Once you do that, you are now linked and can transfer between your checking and your Paypal.

Once suggestion is that you buy one of those dongles that display security code. It's a bit of pain because everytime you log in, you have to push the button and get the security code to enter but it's a peace of mine that my account won't be hacked in to easier without it. It costs $5 and I carry it with me on my key chain.

Once you are signed up, then when you buy from ebay, they will direct you to a payment page. On that page is pay by paypal option. Once you click it, it will automatically lead you to Paypal log in page. Once you log in and pay, you are good. You should receive some kind of payment ackknowledge email from place you bought stuff from.

One more suggestion. When you are at a sign in page, make sure you look a the URL area and make sure your page starts with www.paypal.com. I haven't run in to anyone spoofing a direct from ebay to Paypal but I do it everytime just in case.

Good luck with purchases.

Author:  karyoker [ Mon Aug 04, 2008 10:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Paypal 101

I setup with ATM and bank account with a business account . I have transferred and received several thousand dollars and have never been charged.

Ignore all emails that claim to be Paypal unless they specifically address you with your full name with the account. Any spam forward to spam@paypal.com or spam@ebay.com.

Author:  mckyj57 [ Mon Aug 04, 2008 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Paypal 101

Bill H. @ Mon Aug 04, 2008 12:54 pm wrote:
I've done a few general internet searches but couldn't find any with just basic info on Paypal so I've come to you guys for this.

I've recently lost out on some great Ebay buys because I don't have a Paypal account. So...

If I set up an account with my Mastercard as source for payment, does Paypal charge an amount up front that just sits there even if I'm not buying anything? (I've heard $50...)

Not that I know of. But if it is, I am sure it is just an auth. No funds are transferred.

Have any of you been charged for things you didn't buy, or overchargesd? Any bad experiences?

No, not at all. And I am an ecommerce consultant -- hundreds of stores using my software use PayPal, and there are few problems.

I'm not going to use it much, maybe a few times a year, and probably will not ever sell anything with Paypal as payment. It's just to purchase when that's the only option from seller.

I don't think it is much trouble, and it doesn't cost anything. I refused to use it for years because they insisted they had the right to send me emailed ads about new services from them. Now that EBay bought them, they don't do that any more, so I got an account.

I hear very few real complaints about them, and consider them to be a reasonable supplier these days.

Author:  BlueRose [ Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paypal 101

[font=Verdana] I have been a PayPal customer for years, and never had any problems until a few months ago. Here’s the story.

I purchased my speakers, stands, a mic and assorted cables from a nice young man down in Tennessee. The whole package including shipping came to $788. I was so tickled because I was going to save quite a bit of money. I sent payment but the seller, on his end, pushed the wrong button and canceled it. He sent me an email telling me what had happened and asked if I would resubmit the payment. I checked my PayPal account and my bank, nothing had went through, so I authorized payment again. PalPal deducted the money twice from my bank account, which made several things bounce to the tune of $153 in over draft charges. My bank won’t do anything about it, because PayPal did, in a couple of days, credit my account for the overpayment. PayPal won’t make it right, they say they have no way of stopping a transaction once it’s authorized, which I think is a bunch of bull. I have had banks and credit card companies call me when I made an unusual purchase, you can’t tell me that PayPal couldn’t tell that they were deducting exactly the same amount twice. If you ever have a similar circumstance wait until the amount is credited back before re-authorizing payment.

I received a refund on an item recently and there was a small fee for receiving the money. Only $1.33 for a refund of $46.99 so evidently they do charge a fee for receiving money.

Author:  mckyj57 [ Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paypal 101

BlueRose @ Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:56 pm wrote:
I received a refund on an item recently and there was a small fee for receiving the money. Only $1.33 for a refund of $46.99 so evidently they do charge a fee for receiving money.

Yes, just like businesses (and EBay sellers) that you pay with credit cards pay a fee of approximately that amount for receiving money.

PayPal is an alternative to credit cards, and not a replacement. I use the credit card most of the time, but I do use PayPal.

As far as your double-charge goes, I am sure EBay/PayPal is being truthful. I would not have sent the money again, myself, as I know how these things go. People who mistakenly cancel something often will be mistaken in other ways. There are a lot of tyros shipping on Ebay.

Author:  Babs [ Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Paypal 101

I use Ebay and Paypal all the time. I have never had any trouble with Paypal, but like Ollie said be careful with any emails you receive from Paypal or Ebay. Make sure they are legit and never email any personal info if requested by email.

I actually always feel better using Paypal for pmt.

Author:  Phill Cross [ Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Paypal 101

I LOVE PayPal!

I have used it for a very, very long time back when it was called "X.com" that was about 5+ years before ebay bought them out!

Service is still very good and I suggest its use to all my merchants because overall it is still cheaper than many & most merchant accounts for Credit Card charges.

For users it is a simple way to pay for services and stuff online. PLUS - They don't charge the buyer only the seller! (which is a small fee)

Feel free to contact me if you would like more info...

If you try calling my cellphone - I won't answer... I had it on vibrate and lost it somewhere in the house - I think... By now the battery is dead too... ARG! I call everyhour to retrieve voicemails at least. Sorry off topic

Author:  Bill H. [ Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Paypal 101

OK thanks everyone this sounds good. What I'm picking up from all you folks is that it won't cost me anything to set up, and if I only buy things with it there are no fees either.

A few years ago someone got hold of my checking account routing number and charged a bunch of things online. I discovered to my horror that with a checking account you are responsible for all charges unless you can prove that you didn't do it. And you must cover them initially. That's why I'm thinking about using my Mastercard as payment source. There is more protection against that sort of thing.

If there's no dissent I'll set it up tomorrow. Thanks all- :)
Bill H.

Author:  johnny reverb [ Wed Aug 06, 2008 1:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paypal 101

My only problem with PayPal is that they make it too easy, and I buy things I really shouldn't.. :) ....a ton of online merchants except it now, and I have a hard time...just browsing.....anymore

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Aug 06, 2008 2:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paypal 101

Have had mine set up with my bank account (3 of them actually) for around 10 years now, never had 1 problem. No fees (unless you sell, then it's minimal).

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