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Origional artist karaoke in English.
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Author:  Dr Fred [ Fri Aug 15, 2008 10:55 am ]
Post subject:  Origional artist karaoke in English.

Sure it is the standard for much of asia but for English language karaoke it is still the rare exception..

As I am attempting to move up the quality scale for my recordings I am looking into buying more of these where possible...

Looking at prices, in some cases they are actually better buys than the regular prices of karaoke on a per song basis.

So far I have seen :

Queen- A asian release of about 24 songs, and a US relese of about 12 songs** the asian release is an exception to the "generally cheaper" observation.

Motown - 18 discs with 8 songs each....

Disney - A few scattered songs disks by current/recent singers in their lineup.

K-Tel - A few from the 60s and 70s 6 mixed disks 8 songs each.

DVD: (sold at Acekaraoke)
ABBA- on Acekaraoke 21 songs
Carpenters - about 22 songs

"origional footage" DVD - On acekaraoke 6x20 song mixes

Sure as of now I will not be able to do a full lineup, but it would be nice to have a few hundred songs that are of the highest quality possible (soundwise) as being true to the origional.

Anyone know of others???

Author:  Dynomyk [ Fri Aug 15, 2008 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Origional artist karaoke in English.

I don't know of any others, but I love the Idea 8) It would be easy for major US artists to offer versions of certain songs without the vocals and in CDG format. Maybe market a "New Release" cd with a couple of BONUS CDG tracks. I'm sure it would boost sales for them of the complete disc in this day of I-Tunes "one song downloads"

We can only hope! :dontknow:

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