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Karaokesucks.net........Tooooo Sad
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Author:  KKid [ Thu Feb 05, 2004 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Karaokesucks.net........Tooooo Sad

Here is a good one! I found our nemisis....

www.karaokesucks.net ...... this is very sad

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Thu Feb 05, 2004 5:34 pm ]
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KKid... they have been around for nearly a year..

who cares about them.. let them drink water.. :roll:

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Feb 05, 2004 6:11 pm ]
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Aw, they are fun to visit every once in a while. It would be fun to wear one of their shirts while hosting ;c)

Author:  Karaoke w/Ron [ Thu Feb 05, 2004 9:50 pm ]
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Yea, whoever started that site probably is T'd off cause he or his band lost a gig because they weren't any good to begin with. If they were serious musicians, they wouldn't have time for that kind of stuff in the first place. Additionally, they don't show a whole lot of intelligence or intellect in their reasoning process. It is kinda humorous though :lol: :puke:

Author:  TheKaraokeGuys [ Thu Feb 05, 2004 10:52 pm ]
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People who have nothing better to do than make a site like this are upset with them selfs because they are not good enough or because they went to a location to sing and they did not have a courtoius audience
i try to make sure no one gets booooood at my shows if they do i tell the crowd they may not be the best singer but they had the courage to get up and do it unlike alot of people who go and just watch

Author:  Big Mike [ Thu Feb 05, 2004 11:20 pm ]
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Looks to me that their site is more about selling tee shirts than it is about anything else!

I run into a guy that could work for that site..."You karaoke guys are killing the live music business."

I always laugh and ask him why a bar owner should shell out 800 bucks for a half-a$$ed cover band when he can shell out 2 bills and get half-a$$ed karaoke covers! It's a no brainer!

Author:  big jimmy c [ Thu Feb 05, 2004 11:49 pm ]
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I think this is the same site that a bunch of us signed the guestbook on a while back.

Of course, My entry in their guest book was erased rather promptly. However I can tell you that my entry included details of dropping my pants, Which Phill properly advised me not to do.

My closest friend is a longtime guitar player and we occasionally go out to karaoke together, We both sing like maniacs and he calls me " The Karaoke Guru"

My nephew plays bass and drums, My lifelong friend is a drummer, and another of my friends is a drummer as well and has sung with me(He does a wicked Whitesnake).

I haven't experienced any negativity about karaoke from the band people I know, And besides, Others like Marilyn Manson and Madonna and Mary J Blige love karaoke.

I guess the guy who started the website has some axe to grind. I object to his claim and or opinion of karaoke hosts. If I had the chance I would drive my van to a club and let him unload it and set up, And sound check, Adjust levels and run a 4 hour karaoke show.

It takes a hell of a lot more talent to interact with an audience and adjust minute by minute and use personality than it does to strum a guitar.

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Thu Feb 05, 2004 11:57 pm ]
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don't feel so bad my shot at them was erased too.. but I probably have worked with someone assocoated with them or someone that associates with them.. at one time or another.. Or have met them or someone who supports thier view.... and it's a small world..

Not everybody sees eye to eye..

KARAOKEVILLE or BUST!!! :twisted:

Author:  big jimmy c [ Fri Feb 06, 2004 12:33 am ]
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ROFLMAO!! I just made an entry in their guestbook as "Scoobydoo"

Author:  KKid [ Fri Feb 06, 2004 1:00 am ]
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I wrote a letter to the adminstrator......explained the only thing that sucks is his additude.......did you read his 10 reasons...

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Fri Feb 06, 2004 1:11 am ]
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I need to go back... this could be fun..

I do alot of live audio.. I hope to meet thier webmaster and thier Admin. someday in a LIVE venue that they play in.. it could be the most fun "Unprofessional" 30 mins. of my life.. LMAO!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :P

Author:  big jimmy c [ Fri Feb 06, 2004 2:25 am ]
Post subject: 

Sprocket, If you do encounter the scoundrel(s) responsible for the website, Ask the following for me:

#1 - Should money spent on education alone guarantee a person to excell in a field?(If your parents spent 50,000 dollars to educate you as a violinist and you still suck, Should you lash out?)

#2 - Why are professional musicians so intimidated by so called karaoke losers?( If we suck so bad, Why are they afraid?)

#3 - If your band sucks and can't draw a crowd for even 100 bucks, Why wouldn't a bar owner hire a kj to fill his place for 200 bucks?( I seriously doubt that I undercut bands, Unless they are Led Zep)

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Fri Feb 06, 2004 11:48 am ]
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Gladly then a few more confrontations... then I'd pass the link to any self respecting recording industry producer who would definately get a good laugh and blackball every band listed from the industry.. (if I still can get any to acknologe me after initiatinating a law suit against a recording label and it's president for trying to run a label that he knew he didn't have the capitol to start in the first place.) {BJC I think you know about this already}

Author:  knightshow [ Fri Feb 06, 2004 12:58 pm ]
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not worth my time to go back. It was old a year ago!

Author:  icenine [ Fri Feb 06, 2004 3:43 pm ]
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I think Big Mike hit the nail on the head when he said the site is about selling tee-shirts! The owner of the site is doing the musicians that he supposedly serves a disservice by stealing a tee-shirts worth of food from their mouth!! :lol:

I sing in a band and I LOVE live music. But karaoke is a different type of entertainment. People who like to sing karaoke, whether they are great singers or not-so-great, get a thrill from performing in front of an audience and that is why they come. I am no different; only I am lucky enough to have the opportunity to sing with some great musicians behind me. The average joe or jane is not so lucky. Is this reason to tell them that they are 'lame' and are not REAL singers? I think not.

If you are a musician worth your salt you will get work, and you needn't be worried about a karaoke show (yes, I said SHOW!!), there is plenty of work for everybody. I have seen plenty of 'lame' musicians that try to pass themselves off as entertainment, BELIEVE ME!

This is the same thing that happened when the DJ first came about!!

Variety is the spice of life: Sometimes I am in the mood for live music, sometimes I am in the mood to sing karaoke, sometimes I am in the mood sporting events...the bottom line is TALENTED people, whether musicians, karaoke hosts, or sports stars are going to draw people to their events (there I've called karaoke an event now!!).

Sorry for the ramble!! :lol:


Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Fri Feb 06, 2004 3:47 pm ]
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Don't be sorry.. You brought up a great point!! :D

Author:  KKid [ Fri Feb 06, 2004 10:55 pm ]
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everyone sould send a post....i'm a singer...wether professional or not....i practice...i have invested time and money....maybe the admin. there sould seek couseling for his obvious self esteam issues

Author:  TheKaraokeGuys [ Sat Feb 07, 2004 6:55 am ]
Post subject: 

I signed the guest book there and only put hi hello and i love your site and then put i was a kj from indiana and put there antics and remarks make me laugh and its already deleted so funny

Author:  knightshow [ Sat Feb 07, 2004 11:03 am ]
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I would have no problem going to their site if they wanted serious and honest conversations about it. They could make their points, and we could make ours. However, they aren't interested in that... so let them have their spin.

I will not argue with someone in a burning house! LOL!

Author:  Michael Valentino [ Mon Feb 09, 2004 9:37 am ]
Post subject: 

Who Cares???? Freedom of speech yada yada, Karaoke has always taken its crlitics on by doing the best damn shows we know how, and making less than bands or any other acts. We still hold our heads up high, and sing on!!!!!

MV :D :D :D

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