BigMacDaddy27 @ Thu Aug 21, 2008 12:30 pm wrote:
Hi , I'm a retired, old karaoke junky, I go to my local spot's and see what's new, a lotta little guy's, some good, alotta bad. So, I'm interested in this site to learn more about it and maybe doing my own show. So I'll be very grateful to learn.
Me too. Except I have no plans to do any hosting at this time. I'm fortunate enough to have mnany talented Karaoke shows in my area that I attend regularly. On most any given night I can choose from as few as 2 or as many as 7 or 8 or more at times within a reasonable driving distance for me to attend. Of course driving distance on my Cruiser is far as maybe 20-30 miles away on average which is just a short jaunt. I live out in the country on a few acres where we may drive 15 to 25 miles for a sit down meal at the local eatery. It's all trelative I would venture. At least I don't have to worry about getting too loud for my neighbors or they for me when we crank up the sound system. Oh, and welcome aboard.