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Bad Times?
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Author:  karyoker [ Fri Sep 26, 2008 6:58 am ]
Post subject:  Bad Times?

When I was very very young gas flour and sugar and other things were being rationed. There were hardly any young men around and I was virtually raised by my grandpa for the first few years. A couple of times the family would weep about somebody not coming home. I remember going out to San Deigo and most of the town was under nets and sometimes sirens would go off and the entire area would go into a blackout.

Then I remember Gabriel Heater on Grandpas radio (it stood in the living room and was tall as me) talking about a big bomb on some town in Japan and it was all over. The whole nation wept and celebrated. Then these strangers were sleeping with my Aunts and everything was good At that time we had the best country in the world. The best standard of living. The leader in the world in manufacuring, autos, farming, well just about anything.

Then over years I watched it deteriate to where we are now. I have witnessed this great nation deal with problems and rise again. It will not be the government or big money. It will be the working people that pays the bill again the farmers, the blacks and whites and all others in between..I am sad at my age I will never see this Nation again as it once was but maybe in my later years I can watch it heading back in that direction.. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

Author:  jdmeister [ Fri Sep 26, 2008 8:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Times?

I lived in San Diego in those days.. I too remember the nets and such.

Right after the war, all the kids played army in the empty A/A emplacements..

Those were the days..

A piece of cardboard made a great toboggan on a hillside filled with weeds.

And yes, it's gone downhill quite a bit.. (pun intended) :mrgreen:

Author:  karyoker [ Fri Sep 26, 2008 9:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Times?

A piece of cardboard made a great toboggan on a hillside filled with weeds.

Ours was an old car hood pulled by tractor or 4/4 in wheat fields. It's a wonder how we even survived. If you can imagine going 40mph on a flipping car hood and you cant see for the snow blowing in your face....ROFL

Author:  jdmeister [ Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Times?

karyoker @ Fri Sep 26, 2008 9:02 am wrote:
A piece of cardboard made a great toboggan on a hillside filled with weeds.

Ours was an old car hood pulled by tractor or 4/4 in wheat fields. It's a wonder how we even survived. If you can imagine going 40mph on a flipping car hood and you cant see for the snow blowing in your face....ROFL

We do that today only at the sand dunes.. :mrgreen:

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