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Upload errors??
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Author:  mcentertainment [ Wed Feb 11, 2004 10:45 pm ]
Post subject: 


With all due respect (being a newbie), I do understand that you are the big man on campus. I congradulate you for your accomplishments.

That being said, maybe you could show me what you got and get the Singers Showcase fixed. I.E. tonight I uploaded "Cry Like A Rainstorm" and it overwrote "We've Only Just Begun" ( which was sucessfully uploaded and reviewed).

Phill is aware of the problem and could probably use you expertise.



MC Entertainment

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Wed Feb 11, 2004 11:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Phill can call or e-mail me any time - 24/7.. Phill also knows i'm having my own PC hell right now personally.. it's hard enough for me just to keep logged on every night. :x there is a solution coming in the next couple of days... :wink:

Phill and I compared some notes a few days ago. but still that won't solve the uploading problem.

BTW it's not what I have.. it's how I treat my customers.. and giving them exactly what they want.. and then some. :wink:

Author:  Phill Cross [ Thu Feb 12, 2004 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  Singer's Showcase


As you stated I am aware of the problem. Further, am currently attempting to repair some scripts. There seems to be an error when a song is deleted. All songs are given a ID #. When a song is deleted that ID# also deleted. Then when a new entry is submitted it starts to recount entries and overwrites these with the old ID#. I am working on a solution. Not ceratin why it is doing this. Dang, scripting problems!

By the way - thank you Brian for your offer and if this had been an sound engineering problem or something similar I would certainly request your assistance. However, in this case I believe I have the advantage of knowledge and experience with scripting and computer expertise. :)

Thank you -

I will keep you apprised of the situation.
Note splitting this topic - part to singers showcase forum.


Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Fri Feb 13, 2004 12:14 am ]
Post subject: 

Phill that's why I do the audio gear in my shows.. and the Computer techs.. do my PC's.. BTW I think the problems are now solved with the ISP's.. for now.. when it comes to pc's Phill as you knwo.. I could and Couldn't live without them.. :P they are great when they work.. horrable when they don't.

(still waiting on your proposal)

I know you are busy LMAO!

(posted elsewhere also)

Author:  KJ Denndogg [ Sun Feb 29, 2004 6:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Phil : Just to let you know,I'm still having this problem.
Good Luck with the fix , and Thanks.

Author:  Sheree [ Sun Feb 29, 2004 12:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have the same problem ... two of my submissions are the same song.

Author:  Phill Cross [ Mon Mar 01, 2004 9:26 am ]
Post subject: 

Dang - Thought I had that fixed :(

Now - back to scripting... will let you know...


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