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Corrupt Police
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Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Sun Nov 16, 2008 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Corrupt Police

This article just came out in the Oregonian. I do think it's gonna be the talk of our little town for a while.

I hate to see it, but I'm happy to see it. It can only mean progress towards rectifying the discustingly corrupted police force this little town has. Seriously, they're all like a bunch of Barney Fife's (but scarier, Lol) I think all the rejects who were bullied in school and carry a chip on their shoulder and can't make it into a police force in a big town.... get recruited to Canby.

And I'm serious. You talk to out of towners and they don't even like to detour through Canby if they can help it. The police here absolutely harrass people.

http://www.oregonlive.com/news/index.ss ... _on_t.html

Author:  Odie [ Sun Nov 16, 2008 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Corrupt Police

Yep it's true! I always get a kick out seeing four Canby cop cars parked in front of Starbucks or Denny's at the same time. They're always on their toes around here! LOL

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Sun Nov 16, 2008 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Corrupt Police

Yeah, I know. I got a ticket recently (first one in YEARS.. I've had a clean record) and funny thing... back road in Canby, hardly any traffic at all, only one road in and out of that area (unless you count the Canby Ferry ride) and there sit two of our finest when they should be patrolling the town.

(most likely I interrupted thier crack smoking or something.. or possibly they were having some late night redneck cop arm wrestling contest to see who's tougher?) :D

I do think this is gonna be the buzz for quite a while here.

And I think it's funny as hell that the $19 million project to build thier new police station was defeated by Canby voters. :dancin: We have better ways to spend that kind of money than on those lazy people to have cushier offices:)

Author:  Sheree [ Sun Nov 16, 2008 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Corrupt Police

I just looked you up on a map, looks like you're close to where both my sister, brother and their large brood of kids and grandkids live, Forest Grove. I've been meaning to get up that way but it's a heck of a long drive. :| One of these days.

I'll be sure to be careful if I ever drive through Canby. :angel:

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Sun Nov 16, 2008 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Corrupt Police

Oh gosh, Forest Grove is not far from me at all, I've been there quite a few times. One of the fiddling events I used to go to is in Gaston, right down the road from FG.

If you ever do get up this way, let me know. I've never tried karaoke in FG, that would be fun to meet up and hit the town:)

Author:  Sheree [ Sun Nov 16, 2008 10:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Corrupt Police

Absolutely! That would be a hoot! :D

I sure could use a nice vacation. :| *sigh*

Author:  MorganLeFey [ Sun Nov 16, 2008 11:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Corrupt Police

Hey Sheree if you havent done it before I get there in 2010 lets do it together :D

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