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Any thoughts on the API rack mounted player?
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Author:  kevdaddy [ Wed Feb 18, 2004 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Any thoughts on the API rack mounted player?

I would like to rack mount as many components as humanly possible and have only seen one player advertised as rack mountable. Has anyone heard of the quality of this api rack mounted player? Is there a way to rack mount any player that I buy? :roll:

Author:  knightshow [ Wed Feb 18, 2004 3:20 pm ]
Post subject: 


you can rack mount 'most any player... if you screw off the feet! They make perfect rackmounters!

Author:  Big Mike [ Wed Feb 18, 2004 11:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have an API player in my rack.

I have been pretty happy with its performance so far. Here's my list of pros and cons.

~It is a multiformat player which plays pretty much anything that fits in the tray.

~Rack mountable

~Direct track access. The numbers are right on the front, no need to mess with a remote. Ditto for key change buttons.

~Loading times are slightly faster than my triple tray carousel player.

~I've had several occasions where after several hours the player refuses to read a disc. OR it begins to play the disc without displaying the graphics. I just eject the disc and reload it and it's fine, but if I were running only one player this could be an issue.

~While the load times are faster than on my carousel, they are still not what I'd call fast. Again, maybe an issue if this is the only player in your rack.

All in all I'm pretty satisfied with the unit. I'd say that I'd even be willing to buy another one in the future.

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