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Sound Choice 8393
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Author:  classickaraoke [ Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:43 am ]
Post subject:  Sound Choice 8393

Just wondering what tracks on this disc make it a highly sought after disc. Any pros out there know which are the killer deleted tracks that can't be got anywhere else.

Author:  mckyj57 [ Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice 8393

classickaraoke @ Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:43 pm wrote:
Just wondering what tracks on this disc make it a highly sought after disc. Any pros out there know which are the killer deleted tracks that can't be got anywhere else.

Is it sought after? By who? I have never heard any of those songs sung more than once, if that.

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice 8393

I don't know if it is really 'sought' after by enthusiests except for the fact that it's discontinued only. I've only had a couple songs on it that actually get done semi regular.
Most of the tracks are still available on their custom site.
Not available
Don't Expect Me To Be Your Friend - Lobo
Hold The Line - Toto
If ANyone Falls - Stevie Nicks
Oooh Child - 5 Stairsteps

Except for Hold The Line, and the rare Lobo being played, none of these were critical to the disc anyway.

Author:  classickaraoke [ Thu Nov 20, 2008 12:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice 8393

Thanks all,

Not worth dropping $50 on ebay for then!

- Jonn

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Thu Nov 20, 2008 12:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice 8393

No, not worth $50. BTW- Hold The Line is available elswhere. Like Lon says, it's probably because it's discontinued. I have gotten ridiculous offers for SC8300 "Commemorative Disc", and it's nothing special either. :?

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice 8393

JoeChartreuse @ Thu Nov 20, 2008 1:54 pm wrote:
No, not worth $50. BTW- Hold The Line is available elswhere. Like Lon says, it's probably because it's discontinued. I have gotten ridiculous offers for SC8300 "Commemorative Disc", and it's nothing special either. :?

Actually this one was more of a collector piece than the 8393 simply because there were several 'no-no' artists on it at the time like the Rolling Stones, Doors, Simon & Garfunkel, Five Man Electrical Band. It was discontinued originally for certain songs on it. It was later re-released as 8467 with cuts of certain songs & addition of new ones. I believe that disc is now discontinued as well.
This disc actually gets used QUITE a bit at my show.

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Sat Nov 22, 2008 11:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice 8393

Lonman @ Thu Nov 20, 2008 5:28 pm wrote:
JoeChartreuse @ Thu Nov 20, 2008 1:54 pm wrote:
No, not worth $50. BTW- Hold The Line is available elswhere. Like Lon says, it's probably because it's discontinued. I have gotten ridiculous offers for SC8300 "Commemorative Disc", and it's nothing special either. :?

Actually this one was more of a collector piece than the 8393 simply because there were several 'no-no' artists on it at the time like the Rolling Stones, Doors, Simon & Garfunkel, Five Man Electrical Band. It was discontinued originally for certain songs on it. It was later re-released as 8467 with cuts of certain songs & addition of new ones. I believe that disc is now discontinued as well.
This disc actually gets used QUITE a bit at my show.

Virtually the ONLY time I get a call for this disc (SC8300) is for "I Hate Myself (For Lovin' You). Otherwise.....

Author:  Dr Fred [ Sun Nov 23, 2008 9:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice 8393

Lonman @ Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:57 pm wrote:
I don't know if it is really 'sought' after by enthusiests except for the fact that it's discontinued only. I've only had a couple songs on it that actually get done semi regular.
Most of the tracks are still available on their custom site.
Not available
Don't Expect Me To Be Your Friend - Lobo
Hold The Line - Toto
If ANyone Falls - Stevie Nicks
Oooh Child - 5 Stairsteps

Except for Hold The Line, and the rare Lobo being played, none of these were critical to the disc anyway.

It looks like the above tracks can be found for download at karaoke-singles and it looks like that is a legit site as it is now working under UK laws since Soundchoice moved overseas.

Many Soundchoice disks either had limited contracts for number of copies of a song that could be made, and those contracts (with the songwriters) could not be renewed or had other problems. If anything Sound Choice appears to have put the greatest effort into following the law on their songs sold. That has created some shortages of disks.

Author:  Lonman [ Sun Nov 23, 2008 1:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice 8393

Dr Fred @ Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:20 am wrote:
Lonman @ Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:57 pm wrote:
I don't know if it is really 'sought' after by enthusiests except for the fact that it's discontinued only. I've only had a couple songs on it that actually get done semi regular.
Most of the tracks are still available on their custom site.
Not available
Don't Expect Me To Be Your Friend - Lobo
Hold The Line - Toto
If ANyone Falls - Stevie Nicks
Oooh Child - 5 Stairsteps

Except for Hold The Line, and the rare Lobo being played, none of these were critical to the disc anyway.

It looks like the above tracks can be found for download at karaoke-singles and it looks like that is a legit site as it is now working under UK laws since Soundchoice moved overseas.

Many Soundchoice disks either had limited contracts for number of copies of a song that could be made, and those contracts (with the songwriters) could not be renewed or had other problems. If anything Sound Choice appears to have put the greatest effort into following the law on their songs sold. That has created some shortages of disks.

But Sound Choice own custom site is also over seas & those songs are not available, if it was a contract regarding how many copies could be sold - then, why would they authorize songs to another site & not their own?

Author:  knightshow [ Sun Nov 23, 2008 1:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice 8393

Dr Fred @ Sun Nov 23, 2008 11:20 am wrote:
Lonman @ Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:57 pm wrote:
I don't know if it is really 'sought' after by enthusiests except for the fact that it's discontinued only. I've only had a couple songs on it that actually get done semi regular.
Most of the tracks are still available on their custom site.
Not available
Don't Expect Me To Be Your Friend - Lobo
Hold The Line - Toto
If ANyone Falls - Stevie Nicks
Oooh Child - 5 Stairsteps

Except for Hold The Line, and the rare Lobo being played, none of these were critical to the disc anyway.

It looks like the above tracks can be found for download at karaoke-singles and it looks like that is a legit site as it is now working under UK laws since Soundchoice moved overseas.

Many Soundchoice disks either had limited contracts for number of copies of a song that could be made, and those contracts (with the songwriters) could not be renewed or had other problems. If anything Sound Choice appears to have put the greatest effort into following the law on their songs sold. That has created some shortages of disks.
karaoke-singles apparently is NOT a valid site... SC edited one of their threads recently and deleted a post that mentioned it. Yet they won't do that for the ones I know are legal sites to get them from, such as mycdg.com

Author:  Lonman [ Sun Nov 23, 2008 1:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice 8393

knightshow @ Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:04 pm wrote:
Dr Fred @ Sun Nov 23, 2008 11:20 am wrote:
Lonman @ Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:57 pm wrote:
I don't know if it is really 'sought' after by enthusiests except for the fact that it's discontinued only. I've only had a couple songs on it that actually get done semi regular.
Most of the tracks are still available on their custom site.
Not available
Don't Expect Me To Be Your Friend - Lobo
Hold The Line - Toto
If ANyone Falls - Stevie Nicks
Oooh Child - 5 Stairsteps

Except for Hold The Line, and the rare Lobo being played, none of these were critical to the disc anyway.

It looks like the above tracks can be found for download at karaoke-singles and it looks like that is a legit site as it is now working under UK laws since Soundchoice moved overseas.

Many Soundchoice disks either had limited contracts for number of copies of a song that could be made, and those contracts (with the songwriters) could not be renewed or had other problems. If anything Sound Choice appears to have put the greatest effort into following the law on their songs sold. That has created some shortages of disks.
karaoke-singles apparently is NOT a valid site... SC edited one of their threads recently and deleted a post that mentioned it. Yet they won't do that for the ones I know are legal sites to get them from, such as mycdg.com

Yeah I brought that up in another thread, completely forgot about that.

Author:  Mark Cheetah [ Wed Sep 06, 2017 5:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice 8393

Hey guys, sorry for bringing back such an old thread. I need to know something... this disc (SC 8393), is it a "70s & 80s" Spotlight disc? I could've sworn I had this disc, but I can't find it in my collection. It's easier to sort through the 70s & 80s discs than the "pop hits" ones.

Also, Stingray Music... they own the Sound Choice catalog now, right? I used to be able to download Sound Choice karaoke tracks (mp3 audio only, no graphics) from Amazon for $.99. But now I can't find them there! Also, there's a website called "The Karaoke Channel store" which sells the Stingray music songs in download format (available both with and without graphics) and I've bought some tracks there as well. However, my most recent visit showed that they didn't have ANY songs by The Cars (I'm looking for "Let's Go" from 8393).

Did something change? Was Stingray music bought out or something? Are there new laws in place? Thanks for any info!

Here's the Stingray Music website. Their Queen songs are listed as "new releases" which I found odd. Thanks!


Author:  KarenB [ Thu Sep 07, 2017 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice 8393

Good luck finding the SC disc but while I can't vouch for the quality (while discontinued but not that hard to find) it's also on DM103 (and personally I don't think Doctor Music was that bad).

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Sep 07, 2017 1:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice 8393

Mark Cheetah wrote:
Hey guys, sorry for bringing back such an old thread. I need to know something... this disc (SC 8393), is it a "70s & 80s" Spotlight disc? I could've sworn I had this disc, but I can't find it in my collection. It's easier to sort through the 70s & 80s discs than the "pop hits" ones.

Also, Stingray Music... they own the Sound Choice catalog now, right? I used to be able to download Sound Choice karaoke tracks (mp3 audio only, no graphics) from Amazon for $.99. But now I can't find them there! Also, there's a website called "The Karaoke Channel store" which sells the Stingray music songs in download format (available both with and without graphics) and I've bought some tracks there as well. However, my most recent visit showed that they didn't have ANY songs by The Cars (I'm looking for "Let's Go" from 8393).

Did something change? Was Stingray music bought out or something? Are there new laws in place? Thanks for any info!

Here's the Stingray Music website. Their Queen songs are listed as "new releases" which I found odd. Thanks!


Cars are on the no fly list which is probably why the downloads aren't available.
The Queen songs, maybe they renewed the licenses to allow them again?? Speculation!

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Sep 07, 2017 1:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice 8393

KarenB wrote:
Good luck finding the SC disc but while I can't vouch for the quality (while discontinued but not that hard to find) it's also on DM103 (and personally I don't think Doctor Music was that bad).
Dr Music isn't great and Let's Go wasn't a 'diamond in the rough' track from them, not very good.

Author:  Mark Cheetah [ Thu Sep 07, 2017 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice 8393

Thanks for the replies!

I already have the Dr. Music disc... I bought it a long time ago. It's not great, but I've definitely heard worse, lol.

I had a feeling that The Cars' songs were prohibited because I'm having such a hard time finding them. Thanks for the help!

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