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Lexicon MX200 effects settings?
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Author:  NCBill [ Tue Dec 02, 2008 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Lexicon MX200 effects settings?

Hi all,

I sent off my CFX12 for repairs, and had to fall back on a mixer with no effects. I had forgotten what it was like to run vocals without them, but it became obvious on the first night. I bought a Lexicon MX200 to run separate effects on TWO mics, but it's really confusing with all the settings on that sucker.

Can anyone suggest the best setting for a good clean vocal that uses a simple one knob adjustment to increase or reduce the reverb?

I would also appreciate suggestions for any other settings that you use for a particular style of music.

Thanks in advance for the input.


Author:  Lonman [ Tue Dec 02, 2008 1:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lexicon MX200 effects settings?

Two mics only? What kind of mixer is this being hooked into to start?

Author:  NCBill [ Tue Dec 02, 2008 2:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lexicon MX200 effects settings?

Lonman @ Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:12 pm wrote:
Two mics only? What kind of mixer is this being hooked into to start?


Yeah, I know... Two mics only? :roll: I set up in a small dance area which is approximately a 20' X 30' area that juts off the main room. It has a low ceiling (basement level), lots of big permanently mounted mirrors all around, and the speakers are about 10 feet forward. The singers have to all crowd into a small space in a corner. Feedback control is decent with one mic, difficult with two, and just about impossible with any more. Every musician that has worked the location agrees that it's prone to "feedback from hell".

I am using a Behringer Eurorack MX2004A mixer until I get my Mackie back (which could take up to 6 weeks). I TRS loop each mic through an Alesis 3630 compressor limiter to the Lexicon, and then back to the channel inserts. I had a sonic maximizer in the loop, but removed it to make room for the MX200.

Without a mentor, I have basically learned from trial and error and asking questions, so any help is greatly appreciated.


Author:  mckyj57 [ Tue Dec 02, 2008 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lexicon MX200 effects settings?

NCBill @ Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:03 pm wrote:
Hi all,

I sent off my CFX12 for repairs, and had to fall back on a mixer with no effects. I had forgotten what it was like to run vocals without them, but it became obvious on the first night. I bought a Lexicon MX200 to run separate effects on TWO mics, but it's really confusing with all the settings on that sucker.

Can anyone suggest the best setting for a good clean vocal that uses a simple one knob adjustment to increase or reduce the reverb?

I would also appreciate suggestions for any other settings that you use for a particular style of music.

Thanks in advance for the input.


I don't know why you need to run separate effects for each mic. Most mixers don't have two effects units.

With the MX200, which I own, the knobs differ based on the preset. But I never use them.

Here is what I do.

* Put the FX or Aux 2 post-fader send to the left/mono input of the MX200
* Return the Left/mono output of the MX200 to a mono channel

I use the #1 preset, "Big Pop Vocal" and sometimes #24 (Nashville). Somtimes I use Retroverb, for oldies, too.

I adjust the amount of the reverb with the fader of the input channel I have the MX200 routed to.

Author:  NCBill [ Tue Dec 02, 2008 3:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lexicon MX200 effects settings?


Thanks for the help. I have to hit the shower for my gig tonight, but I printed out your answer to look at when I get there.


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