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Good Wireless Mics
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Author:  jaygen [ Mon Dec 22, 2008 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Good Wireless Mics

Im looking for a decent set of wireless mics, I only need them for home use, can I get a decent set for about 100-150 bucks? Thanks

Author:  c. staley [ Mon Dec 22, 2008 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Good Wireless Mics

I don't believe there is such a thing as "decent set" of wireless mics and from "100-150 bucks"

I've found that anything in that price range is usually crap-o-lah.... and doesn't last 2 weeks....

My personal preference is AKG microphones.... great sound, built like tanks and use a single AA battery good for 35 hours....

And yes, I think that they are as good as a shure mic.

Author:  ericlater [ Mon Dec 22, 2008 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Good Wireless Mics


Check out Vocopro. Several shows around here have been using them for years without mechanical problems. More important, the singers like them!;

Author:  mckyj57 [ Mon Dec 22, 2008 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Good Wireless Mics

No. You can get the AKG WMS40 for $200.00 for one. That is as low as I would go -- they aren't as good as the Shure SM58 or Sennheiser 835 mics, but they are passable.

The cheap VHF mics sound lousy if you have any kind of pro ear at all. And "VocoPro" isn't.

Author:  ericlater [ Mon Dec 22, 2008 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Good Wireless Mics

excuseeee me.

The Vocopros work just fine and the OP wants them for home use not Carnegie Hall

Author:  Flipper [ Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Good Wireless Mics

ericlater @ Mon Dec 22, 2008 9:40 pm wrote:
excuseeee me.

The Vocopros work just fine and the OP wants them for home use not Carnegie Hall

Voco pro's sound ok but if you have not stepped up in quality from there you are really missing the next level altogether.

I have had some cheap mics that sounded great until I experienced the next level above. Once I experienced that level then the next step was Shure SM58's from there. To be honest I'm so much happier with the Shures they sound teriffic and are tough as nails.

Now maybe this (the SM58's) would not be a good start for home use (if $$ are tight) but a couple of the AKG's at $200 each will last by far longer and deliver way better sound than the Vocopro units. Vocopro's are actually quite high in price for the quality they deliver.

If the mics will get limited use then the Vocopros would be ok. But if they are going to get used daily then I would opt for the AKG's, or if the budget allows then step up to Shures or Sennhieser wireless units.

This is my opinion based on purchasing countless "Cheaper" wireless units and spending far more than the "High Quality" in the long run.

Author:  ericlater [ Tue Dec 23, 2008 5:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Good Wireless Mics

Maybe I'm wrong

But I believe the OP presented a price range to us because that's what the person most likely would prefer to spend. (EDIT: FOR A SET, presumably, of TWO mics)

And in regard to "stepping up" as Flipper has commented on, where does it end?

My business partner recently submitted to this forum a description of a $30,000 rig he purported to own. At the end of the submission, he commented on how nice but "nuts" it would be to actually own such a rig for karaoke.

The essence of his post was to point out that one can always find better equipment and continually go through the process of "stepping up". So where, pray tell, does it end?

I know that there are better rigs around than mine, even in S Florida. And I have been finding lately that there are venues I might end up working where I would prefer to use my partner's rig rather than mine (based upon venue size and acoustics). If I'm offered gigs in venues where my rig won't cut it, I will then begin the process of buying an additional rig for myself that will accommodate playing in larger rooms. But that process will not begin until NECESSITY dictates and will be based purely upon a business need rather than a personal desire to "step up"!

Author:  4003fg [ Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Good Wireless Mics

Can't wait to get my new AKG's this week (I Hope!) They're the only thing in my system that I haven't upgraded, and I know they'll make a huge difference!!

Author:  Flipper [ Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Good Wireless Mics

He was looking for a decent pair of Wireless Mic's for $100-$150 for both. A few of us here are trying to steer him in the right direction and frankly a decent dual wireless that fits this price range have a slim chance of lasting more than a few months at best.

If he waits and saves a bit more he can move out of the poor to decent range and move into something that will have good quality and will last longer. The AKG product is such a product.

My post along with other posts about Vocopro is based on experience with multiple cheap versions of wireless units that have returned unsatisfactory results and have limited dependability.

I went through 4 different "Hisonic" versions of "100-150" Dual wireless units from one of the advertisers on the top right corner of this forum. Some lasted 2 months others made it to 3 months the quality of sound was ok but they ate 9V batteries like mad. I have had no less than 10 different (value priced) wireless setups since starting in the business. Once I stepped up to the plate and purchased quality the sound and durability has been phenomenal.

There was only one mic that I would call decent and I still have 2 of them...they are Nady UHF wireless units from Guitar Center and they were rediculously priced at like $49 each. They are very suseptable to feedback and are tinny sounding. The only time I use them is if I need more that 3 wireless mics for large groups at private parties. The positive on this model is that they work great for singers with very soft voices otherwise they see very limited use.

In the long run it really cost no more to purchase quality and it is worth saving a bit more to get that quality. Until then I suggest that he use a wired mic until he can get the better stuff.

Author:  DangerousDanKaraoke [ Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Good Wireless Mics

I use the Nady Duo in my show and they sound great. The system has 2 wireless mics on 2 different frequencies with 1 receiver. The receiver has volume controls for each mic. Best of all the system is less than $50 for both mics. I've had to replace them a couple of times over the years through wear and tear (windscreen will come off, battery compartment comes loose, but $50 for 2 mics they last plenty long and are rugged too.

Author:  ericlater [ Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Good Wireless Mics


From what others are suggesting it appears that most posters believe if you buy less than semi-good professional equipment for home use, you are going to be disappointed. I say "pooh pooh" on that!

- Is it really a wise decision for you to spend $400 of your money for a pair of wireless mics for home use, when there are less expensive systems around? Well, consider this: Who is it that is using all of these "cheap", "useless" systems that are being manufactured and sold worldwide, everyday? They are serving a purpose and I believe your needs will easily be satisfied by less costly mics

- Further consider that I am very familiar with the product I recommend, aside from having sung through them. There are being used by at least four successful KJ's, perhaps even more, that I know of in the Ft Lauderdale area. These KJ's are more than satisfied with them and some have been using them for 4 years now. And...the only complaint that any KJ has voiced was regarding the occasion when two shows using the Vocopros were directly across the street from one another with "overlapping" frequencies. One show switched to another brand mic that they previously had been using.

- It has been implied by most posters that the Vocopros will not last mechanically for home use. Well, I use them for my shows, including passing them out into the "crowd" for sing-a-longs, and have never had a single mechanical problem with them.

- Furthermore, I have at least 6-7 mics out (at least 4 cordless) at all times because I promote sing-a-longs at my show. No solo or duet singer has ever picked up a Vocopro mic and then put it down to try another mic. While the other mics may not be any better than the Vocopro, the point is that no one was interested enough to find out and switch away from the Vocopro.

- So, clearly the singers who use the Vocopro have no problem with it! And IMHO, the majority of singers isn't going to focus in on the "quality" of the mic, unless it sounds poor to them. Sure, there is always the audiophile looking for the best, but might such a person find AKG unacceptable too?

Good luck on your decision

Author:  Flipper [ Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Good Wireless Mics

I will gracefully bow out of this conversation now as I can see it is starting to turn into a free for all that can only end in an arguement and there seems to be to many of those lately.

I will stand by my comments and wish him luck in finding a "Decent" wireless unit. Perhaps he can gleen some useful information from our posts. Remember quality does not necessarily cost more in the long run.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Tue Dec 23, 2008 1:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Good Wireless Mics

Samson makes a decent mike in their stage 5 series in my opinion. I run one alongside a Sennheiser Freeport and they are comparable in sound. Actually the Samson actually sounds better for lower end voices and that is why I prefer singing on the samson over the sennheiser for songs like picture. I am actually a tenor and have some difficulty being heard on lower ranged songs like picture.

Author:  knightshow [ Tue Dec 23, 2008 1:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Good Wireless Mics

I happen to agree with the Vocopro duet mic set. I've heard them in action, and frankly, they're one of two Vocopro products I can honestly say I like. (The other being the media jukebox) I still have an older set of AudioStream AS-990s that work wonderfully. I'm very disappointed they went off the market. Unsure why, as I never had problems with them even in a mobile setting. The 890s were a bit fickle...

I use the Radio Shack (Shure product) single wireless, and they work great. About a hundred bucks each. I recently ordered a Hisonic dual wireless set for a friend. I've seen them and for HOME USE, I think they're just fine.

Let's not get caught in our own squables so much we forget what we've been asked initially.

Author:  Lonman [ Tue Dec 23, 2008 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Good Wireless Mics

Here's a decent wireless - single mic only, but is very good for the price.
https://www.carvinguitars.com/products/ ... ct=UX16-MC

Author:  Wiggly Dave [ Tue Dec 23, 2008 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Good Wireless Mics

I got a set of Kams. DON'T GET THEM. You Have to sing directly into the mic or they cut out. Something to do with not really being Omni - directional or something...

Author:  supercharged [ Tue Dec 23, 2008 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Good Wireless Mics

I cringe to say it, but I believe that in this case the vocopro may be the best fit . if you would go wired you may have more options. I have seen people use the vocopro mics for Karaoke shows and they seemed to hold up. IMO they sound like bung, but they do ok for what they cost. not so bad for a home system.

Author:  ericlater [ Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Good Wireless Mics

I am most curious regarding the comparisons made between "brands" why no mention has been made of specifications?

For example, I indicated a frequency conflict existed between two neighboring karaoke shows using the same wireless Vocopro equipment. Wouldn't a better quality wireless system offer and include in its costs multiple channels rather than just one channel (per mic), allowing for such a conflict to be overridden?

Also, doesn't greater range come into play when producing a more expensive mic? And, does a home user have to worry about either the number of channels or the range?

Just a little more food for thought regarding what cost factors contribute to higher pricing!

Author:  Murray C [ Wed Dec 24, 2008 8:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Good Wireless Mics

A good point Eric! Regardless of what decision is made, one should ensure the system's operating frequency is compatible with the impending digital TV switchover in February... One certainly wouldn't want to end up with a system that quickly becomes inoperable in their area due to TV interference. Frequency agile systems can help to aleviate this problem, although they are going to be more expensive.

Author:  Wiggly Dave [ Wed Dec 24, 2008 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Good Wireless Mics

VHF mic's wont be affected by Digital TV.......the two signals are different and ther MIC signal doesnt go directly into the tv

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