Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

just a quick question, (Downloads)
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Author:  MENEPHES [ Mon Feb 23, 2004 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  just a quick question, (Downloads)

just wandering if anybody knows how to download one of these songs to stay on ya comp, i can hlisten, with the little media window player, but cant see anywhere, to actualy download a song ? :?:

Author:  Bro [ Mon Feb 23, 2004 1:15 pm ]
Post subject:  mm

yeah Mens I noticed that as well... good question! :wink:

Mens... how Ironic is this.. were from DTS and look at one of the banners here.... D.T.S.


Author:  BigStick [ Mon Feb 23, 2004 4:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

From FAQ

Why can't I view/download attachments?

On some viewing/downloading forums attachments may be limited to certain users or groups. To view/download attachments you may need special authorisation, only the forum moderator and board admin can grant this access, you should contact them.


Author:  Sheree [ Mon Feb 23, 2004 5:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Quote from a previous thread...

Quote: From the Webmaster Phill

As you know, Karaoke Scene and staff are strong advocates of Anti-Piracy Laws. ...

The recordings that are submitted are not being sold (in fact you cannot download copies - only listen to them.)

We are only providing a means by which someone can "Showcase" their talent for the world to listen to.

From our understanding of the laws - you can record your singing without violating any rules. In fact many home karaoke machines provide the capabilities of recording your singing.

Further, this is being done in a variety of ways by many various sites, of which we are just one.

Thank you and we appreciate your input.

This is a quote taken from another thread in the forum.

Author:  Bro [ Mon Feb 23, 2004 9:30 pm ]
Post subject:  mm

thanx for that info there Sheraokee... well appreciated!

Author:  MENEPHES [ Mon Feb 23, 2004 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  hmmm

:shock: sorry im a little confused now, about when you say copyright, if people are singing songs that they havnt had permision to record and they sold them, that i would understand, but to submit a song of there own free will, to let others download without making any profit or monies,
surley this is legal ?
I am not asking to pay to download a song, that a member has submited, so how can this be illegal ?

Author:  Phill Cross [ Tue Feb 24, 2004 3:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Thank you Sheraokee! :)

Well, to attempt to answer the question as best as I can {which really isn't saying much ;) }

We allow members to listen to the works of others but do not allow them to be downloaded or stored on another computer. There are many reasons for this just one being possible violations of copyright laws.

Whether it is being paid for or not, it would be distributed if we allowed for downloading. To avoid any possible liscencing issues, we permit listening only.

Further, we protecting the privacy of the submitter. Their works are only available on this site, which they have personally submitted them to. If someone was to download the singers submission they could very well put it elsewhere on the internet. Without the original submitters permission.

If you come across a song that was submitted and you would like a copy of that performance. Contact the original submitter and have them provide you with a copy of the song.

I hope that helps explain our position a little better.



Author:  MENEPHES [ Tue Feb 24, 2004 4:56 am ]
Post subject:  Thank-You

:D Yes thank-you very much, it has help me understand a little better now,
Many thanks, for clearing this up for me :)

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