I host a small show here in Baton Rouge - more for fun than for profit (at least I drink for free!
We are using the original version of Sax&Dottie's
I am wondering what ya'll use for your "filler music" program. I have been using windows media player up to date. There is another KJ in town who has a program that he uses to have a song cued to a certain point so when the singer gets off the stage, a certain song plays at a specified point in the song to kind of highlight the singer.. Does that make sense?
For example, hot chick goes up and sings "I touch myself"... as soon as she exits stage left, the "OH!" from Unbelievable plays... cued up perfectly.
He won't tell me what his top-secret, oh my god that's cool, program is...
Does anyone here know what he is using?