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"Filler" Music
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Author:  ritalee76 [ Thu Jan 01, 2009 10:20 am ]
Post subject:  "Filler" Music

I host a small show here in Baton Rouge - more for fun than for profit (at least I drink for free! LOL)

We are using the original version of Sax&Dottie's

I am wondering what ya'll use for your "filler music" program. I have been using windows media player up to date. There is another KJ in town who has a program that he uses to have a song cued to a certain point so when the singer gets off the stage, a certain song plays at a specified point in the song to kind of highlight the singer.. Does that make sense?

For example, hot chick goes up and sings "I touch myself"... as soon as she exits stage left, the "OH!" from Unbelievable plays... cued up perfectly.

He won't tell me what his top-secret, oh my god that's cool, program is... LOL

Does anyone here know what he is using?


Author:  Gryf [ Thu Jan 01, 2009 12:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Filler" Music

Here is a long discussion on the point of to have it or not:


I use an iPod to run playlists and pick the appropriate one for the crowd I am playing to. I do use media player and/or iTunes to play individual songs when needed. When people are singing I'm tuning them up, cuing up singers or talking to singers. I certainly can't say I have the time to make sure a specific song is cued to match each performance that just got done.

Author:  Wiggly Dave [ Thu Jan 01, 2009 12:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Filler" Music

At my residency I use Sax & Dotties..the only way to have filler music is via a seperate channel such as an ipod or another pc etc.(The bar owners own equipment)...when I do a gig at another venue using my own gear I use pcdj/vj which allows you to use music on the same program

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Filler" Music

ritalee76 @ Thu Jan 01, 2009 11:20 am wrote:
I host a small show here in Baton Rouge - more for fun than for profit (at least I drink for free! LOL)

We are using the original version of Sax&Dottie's

I am wondering what ya'll use for your "filler music" program. I have been using windows media player up to date. There is another KJ in town who has a program that he uses to have a song cued to a certain point so when the singer gets off the stage, a certain song plays at a specified point in the song to kind of highlight the singer.. Does that make sense?

For example, hot chick goes up and sings "I touch myself"... as soon as she exits stage left, the "OH!" from Unbelievable plays... cued up perfectly.

He won't tell me what his top-secret, oh my god that's cool, program is... LOL

Does anyone here know what he is using?


Don't know what he's using but it sounds like he has a program like MTU Hoster or Compuhost that has audio & video clips already built in or ones you can add that he just clicks a button & it plays or he just has something that has a bunch of sound files he can access easily. I used to use Microsoft Office & set the toolbar up always on top with some short audio sound clips that I could hit at any time.
Check into Compuhost or MTU Hoster.

Author:  Lone Wolf [ Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Filler" Music

If you are using Sax & Dotty's that is what the utilities buttons are for. If he is using just a specific portion of a song he might have edited it and saved just that portion and then again it comes on when a specific utilities button is pressed you just have to remember what is on what button.


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