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PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 10:39 am 
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Can this work ? ----CLEAR AND OPEN YOUR MIND ....This is NOT Karaoke Night

You go into a venue and see "what looks like" Karaoke - Lyrics on Big Screen TV's
Kick Azz sound system and very familiar crowd pleasing songs are being sung by
maybe 2,3 or 4 on stage (entertainers) performers. Like a BAND without any musicians. You have an assistant on the floor for the obvious questions of HEY IS THIS KARAOKE NIGHT OR WHAT ? .... You tell them it's not KARAOKE NIGHT per se ..but if you want to sing LEAD on stage with the GROUP pick out a song and wait to be called. So YOU and the group allow people to actually put in requests and you allow them to sing ...SORT OF LIKE A KARAOKE NIGHT ..but more the singer is PARTICIPATING in your SHOW.

It's not advertised as KARAOKE night so singers won't be there waiting to sing ..YOU'RE there more to entertain the masses and using the unsuspecting singer/customer as another entertainer. CLEAR YOUR MINDS OF THINKING LIKE A KARAOKE SINGER ......... Could this work ? A singalong Group with the occasional GUEST STAR singers ? If you were out one night (not looking for karaoke) and saw something as described would you be entertained and participate?
(some assumptions - The Group Singers are above average and entertaining and so is the sound systemand equipment :?: )

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 11:16 am 
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That accurately describes my show and yes it works. If we get a huge rotation it reverts back to more of a normal karaoke show. My format is totally dynamic and depends upon what the crowd wants, not some preconceived notions.

I have seen it to the extremes where it is like private parties IE it is mostly dance music and without a set rotation if somebody feels like singing they request a song. They are not worried about taking turns. Sound farfetched? Most of my private parties are for regular customers and thats how they want their private parties. So at the bar it is nothing new although for a stranger it is hard to get used to.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 12:19 pm 
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Actually, that's being done in NYC. It's a place called Spotlight in Times Square. A friend of mine is one of the hired singers. Essentially, it IS karaoke. There are 3 to 4 "back-up" singers who perform when no one else is performing and who back up the guests. Choreography, the whole bit. It was opened by the same folks who opened up Coyote Ugly. On top of the "back-up" singers, they have a large screen OUTSIDE the venue and broadcast what's going on inside as well as recording each performance and making it available on their website for a period of time.

It's been around for about 2 years now, so, I guess it's working.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 12:28 pm 
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I believe SPOTLIGHT KARAOKE IN NYC has been closed down. I believe that two murders took place on their property; one allegedly by an employee.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 12:42 pm 
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It is not a show I would attend as a singer. I have to agree with karyoker, that that is exactly how many of my private parties go. Unlike many KJ's here, I make my real money doing private parties. I really only do a weekly gig to keep my name out there, as all of my parties are from people who have gone to my show, or people who attended a private party I worked. Private parties, whatever the party giver wants they get. I have a full disco light show, and it really gets people dancing at parties. Private parties are probably about 50/50 karaoke and DJ'n. Some more, some less.

Felix the KJ

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 12:43 pm 
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There's a SPOTLIGHT KARAOKE in Houston.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 12:44 pm 
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someone grapevined left when it shoulda been right? :shock:

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 12:50 pm 
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Really? I was just by there the other day....before they would have been open....looked like it was still active, but, I've been out of the area for quite awhile, so I haven't heard any of that.....I could be wrong...

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 1:42 pm 
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I've seen it done in Florida, participated, and had a great time. The variation the we have near me is a live band with rotating singers. LIve band karaoke, if you will. The one I remember is The Karaoke Fun Time Band.

The problem with the live band concept is a limited repertoire. Done the way you described and I experienced, I'd say it's a workable idea.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:39 am 
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karyoker @ Wed Jan 21, 2009 2:16 pm wrote:
That accurately describes my show and yes it works. If we get a huge rotation it reverts back to more of a normal karaoke show. My format is totally dynamic and depends upon what the crowd wants, not some preconceived notions.

I have seen it to the extremes where it is like private parties IE it is mostly dance music and without a set rotation if somebody feels like singing they request a song. They are not worried about taking turns. Sound farfetched? Most of my private parties are for regular customers and thats how they want their private parties. So at the bar it is nothing new although for a stranger it is hard to get used to.

I always thought a FREE FORM show is better then the strict type of rotation --although at my KARAOKE show I do what the singers want (strict rotation). But the BEST nights I ever had as a KJ are when the primadonnas stay home and the relaxed party people come out and sing ..they have fun no matter who is singing

But getting back to the CONCEPT of a set of SINGERS entertaining with the occasional GUEST SINGERS ..... I'm going to have to look up SPOTLIGHT KARAOKE

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 3:48 pm 
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Jam there are some advantages. Strangers (listeners) are totally amazed with the quality of the system and talent. They often reserve a table for birthday parties etc. We cater to them give them recognition and play a couple dance songs of their choice.

As with golf or anything when there are (pros) there everybodys talent seems to increase

With fewer singers it is easier to learn each singer and tailor the system for them. Most of our singers are constantly trying new songs and request new ones when they are available on karaoke discs.. They try to pick songs that the crowds respond to the most and most sing all genres. The biggest factor is this. I was once burned out big time. This format is more energizing and one actually looks forward to doing a show.

Our crowds can get small and in 30 minutes it is packed again. What really started me towards this format was barowners that gave the excuse they would rather have DJ'S. One show and they go nuts. When most start doing this then I will have to figure something else out to stay ahead of the competition.

I have argued this format for I dont know how long and everybody thought I was nuts.
I will say it again.. Give me some close to sober singers and partying drinking crowds and then I can ask for a raise.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 5:23 pm 
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It really depends on the crowd. If you can get a core "group" that is both good and wants to sing all night as entertainment then ok, but I see it as causing problems if you have a small crowd (<20) and some other people want to sing on their own.

If you have a huge crowd (75-100+) then ok it would work because in that case people may not be going in with the expectation of getting a turn to sing.

For in between it really depends on personalities.

Karaoke can be "fun" over a wide range of conditions. I recently was at a house party that had karaoke with a song list of about 100 songs running through a cheap stereo but the crowd was right and it was a fun occasion.

No, people would expect better than the above setup at some bars, but in the right circumstance many things can work.

I was at a bar one night that had a tribute to a single singer and they had a good crowd who did karaoke from a list of 15 songs for an hour.... The promotor was not a KJ but it was part of the event.

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