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Utility Kills WWII Vet.
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Author:  Murray C [ Thu Jan 29, 2009 7:13 am ]
Post subject:  Utility Kills WWII Vet.

2:00PM Thursday Jan 29, 2009

A 93-year old man has frozen to death in his home in northern Michigan, prompting calls of scorn for the utility who cut off his power due to unpaid bills.

World War 2 veteran Marvin Schur died last week in his home where a "limiter" had been placed on his home by Bay City Electric Light & Power.

... NZ Herald Staff, agencies

To me this is not only a sad reminder of the tough economic times we currently face, but also of the disrespect being more and more commonly shown by the younger generations around the globe for their elders and, more importantly, the people who have fought for their freedom. Another case in point being the desecration of an Australian memorial to ANZAC soldiers by teen skateboarders.

Author:  Ronny D. [ Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Utility Kills WWII Vet.

I too read about this and it was a tragic event and as an aging disabled veteran myself who lives alone it hits pretty close to hme but it is not new by any means. These days too many people have just vague ideas who their neighbors are and have no plans to know anything more about them. As a boy I recall before there was affordable air conditioning neighbors got to know each other as usually after the evening meal it was so hot in the house caused from cooking the meals that we had to escape to the front porch until the inyerior cooled down. We'd often play checkers or dominoes.

This gave us the opportunity to visit with our neighbors and get to know them and learn which ones needed some extra looking out for. Things often got personal unlike today. Times indeed have changed all that. Too bad.

Author:  lordairgtar [ Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Utility Kills WWII Vet.

In our state, the utilities cannot cut you off in the winter. The fact that the state of Michigan owns that power company makes all the more sad. Somebody failed, the state, the utility, and the nephew who could have gotten power of attorney to pay his bills. It wasn't for lacking money as the nephew stated and the police confirmed that stacks of money could be seen in the house. Please check up on your diminished relatives, they need you.

Author:  MorganLeFey [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Utility Kills WWII Vet.

welcome home Murray...it was awesome meeting you and Brenda xxx

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