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Why do you, as a host, sing in the rotation?
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Author:  ericlater [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Why do you, as a host, sing in the rotation?

These are some of the "professional" reasons I've heard over the years for KJ's singing in the rotation:

- people expect me to sing

- doing so let's people know when the rotation has reached the top

- doing so allows me to change the pace when the energy is waning

- I've received a request to sing a particular song

- I only sing the first song in order to perform a "sound check"

Did I miss any reasons? If I did please include it in your post.

And what is your most typical reason for singing in the rotation?

Author:  michaeljvaughn [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why do you, as a host, sing in the rotation?

One of the better reasons I've heard is to encourage a feeling of camaraderie - like "Hey, I'm singing along with you guys..."

Author:  karyoker [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why do you, as a host, sing in the rotation?

Eric let me preface my post with a few comments. At a busy show I only sing once or twice and sometimes not at all. Again it depends upon whats going on.

In answer to your question I run an above average system. Sometimes my host or I will question whether the system is working right. I can sing and maybe not even sing the whole song but see what it actually sounds like and also check the monitor level. I might sing the whole song or at a certain point look the station and wipe my forefinger across my throat. The music is killed and I then i invite the next singer up and hand them the mic.

That is one example. Sometimes a singer will totally nail a song and the audience is on another level. At the proper time I will sing and increase the the energy level higher. Then the magic is there and everybody that sings is inspired and nobody sounds bad. The audience is going nuts. It takes a group effort and is not my entire doing but with experience try to have these nights. They are hard to obtain most of the time but when they happen it is a night that nobody forgets and makes institutions.

Those are my main reasons for singing. I repeat it is not for me but those 100 people wanting an atmosphere and entertainment.

Author:  timberlea [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why do you, as a host, sing in the rotation?

When I host I sing the first song to open the show. I enjoy singing so I put myself at the top for the break between rotations. Why because I like to sing, period. I do not abuse it (by singing two or three to others one) and when we get a lot of singers, I take myself out. If a host doesn't abuse, why shouldn't they sing?

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why do you, as a host, sing in the rotation?

I sing the first song for a sound check, get the ball rolling, and to do my opening greeting afterward. If I have a good rotation to start with, I'm done for the night-unless asked to help in a duet and I can't pass it off, which I try to do.

Other reasons if required: To stretch a short rotation ( hopefully only the first.. :roll: )

To change energy levels ( imagine 8 ballads in a row...)

I also do something a bit strange, but helpful. If I happen to have a LOT of very good singers, I might sing a song that I don't do well- or just crash one- in order to make newbies or less talented singers comfortable enough to sing.

I actually prefer not to sing at work, because if I have to it means I don't have enough singers... :cry: I do my singing for fun at others' shows.

Author:  mckyj57 [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why do you, as a host, sing in the rotation?

When I am hosting at my service club, I am a member too. That is where I sing most often. (I am not being paid.)

When I am being paid, or doing it as a volunteer gig, I do it to 1) make a sound check 2) fill out the rotation when it is small, 3) change the tempo in ballad hell, or 4) do a request.

And finally, sometimes I sing because I want to. I never sing every rotation unless it is smaller than 4 or 5 singers all night.

Author:  Lonman [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why do you, as a host, sing in the rotation?

ericlater @ Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:50 pm wrote:
These are some of the "professional" reasons I've heard over the years for KJ's singing in the rotation:

- people expect me to sing

- doing so let's people know when the rotation has reached the top

- doing so allows me to change the pace when the energy is waning

- I've received a request to sing a particular song

- I only sing the first song in order to perform a "sound check"

Did I miss any reasons? If I did please include it in your post.

And what is your most typical reason for singing in the rotation?

I as a host feel I should not sing in the rotation for the purpose of just wanting to sing. People who get into karaoke for that purpose got into it for the wrong reason IMO. I am there to make sure everyone gets a fair chance to sing as many songs as they can & by my singing in every round, that takes away someone elses (that's paying) chance to sing. I do not sing if the rotation gets over 5 singers & only every other round usually before that. I will sing the first song mainly because most people do not want to be first singer for some reason. Sound check is an excuse only.
Only exception is if I get a request from someone who don't/won't sing - and then it's only at the end of a round & 1 time per round. Or if someone needs a duet partner & I can accompany that.

Author:  johnny reverb [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why do you, as a host, sing in the rotation?

I had a KJ, whom I can't stand, tell me one time....." You know a KJ needs to get his practice in".......and I told him.........practice at home a$$hole.....by the way, he drinks for free, and like a fish might I add...... :vomit:

Author:  masterblaster [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why do you, as a host, sing in the rotation?

I agree about the sound check being a kind of "excuse" to sing. I find that I can't do a proper sound check if I'm the one singing. The only thing I can really check in that instance is monitor levels.

Author:  c. staley [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why do you, as a host, sing in the rotation?

Timberlea said:
If a host doesn't abuse, why shouldn't they sing?

Because your job is to host the show.... not become the show. Once every rotation IS abuse.

(i.e. You are the Organ Grinder.... not one of the performing monkeys.)

I have to agree with lonnie on this one.

Author:  johnny reverb [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why do you, as a host, sing in the rotation?

Well then I guess singing when there are few or no singers, is just an excuse to sing also.. :roll: ...go ahead, use your first singer as a science experiment... :lol: ....the mix, in every show I've been to, and brother I've been to a sh!t load all over the US and Canada, sucks for the first couple of singers......just my opinion..... :mrgreen:

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why do you, as a host, sing in the rotation?

I sing once a rotation to sing. I don't get out anymore to other shows so it is the only time I get to sing. If I did have the time then I probably would only sing the first song and leave it at that. I happen to agree with Timberlea to a certain point. I also see Lonnie's point of view and will pull myself out of the rotation if it gets to be a long one. But I see no harm singing just cause you want to if you have a small number of singers. That is not abuse. What is abuse is singing more than once in a rotation or when you have more than say 8 or 9 singers. From that point of the evening I will take myself out of the rotation and will only sing if needed for a duet. I count duets as my turn even when there are a small number and will deactivate my spot if someone needs a duet partner.

Author:  johnny reverb [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why do you, as a host, sing in the rotation?

people like to draw the line in the sand, where they think it should be drawn....I like to take my foot, and erase it..... :P

Author:  knightshow [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why do you, as a host, sing in the rotation?

johnny reverb @ Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:46 pm wrote:
Well then I guess singing when there are few or no singers, is just an excuse to sing also.. :roll: ...go ahead, use your first singer as a science experiment... :lol: ....the mix, in every show I've been to, and brother I've been to a sh!t load all over the US and Canada, sucks for the first couple of singers......just my opinion..... :mrgreen:
Yeah, I won't experiment on the singers... I want the sound as good as possible before they start singing.

My initial song to start out allows me to get any adjustments or problems ironed out first.

I've never seen so many ODD topics lately... sheesh!

Author:  SwingcatKurt [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why do you, as a host, sing in the rotation?

IF its a busy night--i will ALWAYS sing the very first song to get things rolling---usually CELEBRATION to set the party atmosphere. Then dont sing the rest of the night except to sneak in a dance song around midnight or so. Other than than my time is taken up mixing each singer and helping the custies as they come up.

If a slow night ill sing a bit more frequently to keep a rotation up.

Author:  BamaRob [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why do you, as a host, sing in the rotation?

Plain and simple. I like to sing too.

Author:  supercharged [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why do you, as a host, sing in the rotation?

I sing song #1 unless i have a helper for the night, then i have them do it while i tweak. my system is most always pretty close by setting my levels and eqing the system while im playing a few dj tracks. I sing once a rotation unless i get over 6 or 7 singers (45 min rotation or so). if i get a few who are really bringing down the mood level i will move myself around in the rotation as i see fit. my show exists to make the bar money, if a bunch of slow songs are choking the life out of the party people will leave. Ive been asked a couple times about it by singers and im ok with telling them the truth.

Author:  dj john [ Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why do you, as a host, sing in the rotation?

as a rule I don't sing ( I'm not a good singer ) my wife will sing a few songs unless the rotation is big

Author:  lordairgtar [ Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why do you, as a host, sing in the rotation?

This could be a regional thing as to what is acceptable. In the Milwaukee area, the KJs are usually in the rotation. No one has complained as far as I know. When I filled in for my KJ friend, I did not sing because running the boards and minding the rotation has always made me nervous, and I didn't need the distraction of putting myself in the rotation. Too darned busy to do it.

Author:  Bazza [ Sat Jan 31, 2009 8:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why do you, as a host, sing in the rotation?

I usually sing the first song to get the ball rolling, unless a patron has already given me a slip. Usually the first 20 minutes are slow and I will play a "normal" song or two until people get comfortable. Once I have ANY singers in rotation...I don't sing. Although I love to sing, I consider ME singing a filler/last resort.

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