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Speaker issue
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Author:  micbob [ Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Speaker issue

Ok, I was running a fairly large gig last night and was using JBL MRX525 powered speakers and subs looping out to my 4 JBL EON G2's. The problem I was having is when I would increase the volume the MRX525 speakers would pop in and out (very enoying!). I pretty sure I had connected everything properly. I went from my mixer through processor to subs (MRX) to Speakers (MRX) out to JBL EONS. It was only occuring with the MRX speakers. I finally disconnected the MRX Speakers and just went from Subs to JBL EONS. I have used these same speakers twice at this same venue with the same result. Any suggestions. XLR cords were all brand new. Thanks

Author:  johnny reverb [ Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Speaker issue

Wow, could be a lot of things, bad capacitor somewhere, not enough amp power...are you using a computer?....could have to do with sound card settings....then again it could be the processor. Try setting up at home, leaving out one component in different configurations. Good luck

Author:  Lonman [ Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Speaker issue

Do the MRX speakers cut out without the EON's hooked up? Maybe reverse the process, go to subs, then the EON's then the MRX see if you get the same results.

Author:  micbob [ Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Speaker issue

It could be a power issue. :shock: This is the second time its happened at this event. The first time we could not run lights because of the lack of power we had to have seperate power run directly from the circuit breaker box. I guess we are still running to much power even without the lights.

Author:  johnny reverb [ Mon Feb 09, 2009 8:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Speaker issue

In my early days, I did a school gym, where my circuit was hooked up to a huge blower. Of course, I didn't know it, but for the first hour everything was fine, but then strange things began happening with my speakers, and I noticed my volume was decreasing, along with the occasional pops and crackles from the speakers. Pretty soon, smoke was comming out my amp, one amp down, went to my back up amp, trying my best to keep the same thing from happening to it. I asked the custodian if he had turned anyting on, and he gave me a puzzled look and said, well it seemed like it was getting stuffy in here, so I turned on the exhaust blower(huge). It was on the same circuit, and it lowered the current going to my amp, which when you apply Ohms Law.....you get fried amp. Now if I had a very high powered amp, it could have handled the current drop(only pushing two speakers), but like I said..... :oops: my early days... :) (ok, so it was last week.... :lol: )

Author:  Alex [ Mon Feb 09, 2009 9:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Speaker issue

johnny reverb @ Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:28 am wrote:
In my early days, I did a school gym, where my circuit was hooked up to a huge blower. Of course, I didn't know it, but for the first hour everything was fine, but then strange things began happening with my speakers, and I noticed my volume was decreasing, along with the occasional pops and crackles from the speakers. Pretty soon, smoke was comming out my amp, one amp down, went to my back up amp, trying my best to keep the same thing from happening to it. I asked the custodian if he had turned anyting on, and he gave me a puzzled look and said, well it seemed like it was getting stuffy in here, so I turned on the exhaust blower(huge). It was on the same circuit, and it lowered the current going to my amp, which when you apply Ohms Law.....you get fried amp. Now if I had a very high powered amp, it could have handled the current drop(only pushing two speakers), but like I said..... :oops: my early days... :) (ok, so it was last week.... :lol: )
I had a similar thing happen to me in the past. At one of my venues, the electric outlet I used was somehow connected to the dimmer light in that section. (We found that out very late). Anyhow, I had the same thing happening, popping and cracking noises. And same as Johnny, my amp didn't last too long. I had no clue back in the day about matching Watts, Ohms, etc... lol

You live and learn.

Now I use a Furman PL-Plus Series II Power Conditioner. It has an LED light in the front that shows you the status of your Power right away. It also filters out AC noise and more... well worth the investment.

Author:  keddano [ Tue Feb 10, 2009 11:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Speaker issue

I'll be adding a Power Conditioner to my rig when it goes out on the town. Planning mainly because it will be in alot of old smaller bars,But I guess this just proves it doesn't matter were you at,it's worth it's weight. The cheapest Furman run around $59.00 at GC, But Music Go Round by me has the basic model for under $30.00. I would really like the models that have the LED readouts so you know exactly what voltage you have at all times.

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