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Removing background vocals
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Author:  smiles57 [ Thu Mar 04, 2004 6:26 am ]
Post subject:  Removing background vocals

Is it possible for a KJ to remove (or at least tone down) the background vocals on a disc? I bought a disc with a song I really want to do (that my normal KJ doesn't have), but the background vocals are horrible! It's a guy song, and their idea of harmonization was simply to insert this awful voice an octave higher...which is exactly where I sing the song!

If it's possible, let me know what I can tell my KJ in order to make it happen.


Author:  Lonman [ Thu Mar 04, 2004 8:55 am ]
Post subject: 

You can have the KJ "TRY" to use the vocal eliminator to remove the background vocal, but chances are since it IS background vocals, it won't work & will make the music sound thin as well.
What song & which brand are you talking about? There may be a better version of it out that we may be able to help you with.

Author:  smiles57 [ Thu Mar 04, 2004 12:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks, Lonman. It's Guns 'n Rose's Don't Cry, and I do like Sound Choice's version of it. I have one of those Pocket Songs/Just Tracks versions that has the awful background vocals. I wanted to use it tomorrow night, but I'll hold off until I can get the better version!

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Thu Mar 04, 2004 1:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

It's best to hold off until you are very comfy.
I sang Big Head Todd's "Bittersweet" Last night in a competition and was very ready, I definately waited until I had the version I wanted, (which there are only 2 legal versions) and took a 2nd to an awesome singer from north of here and I know she could sing and also has been recording too. she deserved it. My hat's off to her. There were 14 singers last night.. all of them were really good singers, not a bad one there. Even the KJ has straightened out his act too. It was finally kewl for once. But it was great to see things are changing in New Mexico.
Maybe it's the Govenor? Naaaaaaaaaah! :wink:

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