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Key Changing Back to original
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Author:  JDG [ Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:22 am ]
Post subject:  Key Changing Back to original

I am a music director at a church here in Virginia, and purchased a KC300-Pro mainly to change keys on songs that were to high. If you practice the song then reset it back to the starting point, it automatically changes the key back to the original. It won't stay where you put it. I just finished a wedding where we sang a duet, "From This Moment On" by Shania Twain and Brian White, and had the key down a half step. Well, if you know the song it, has a key change near the end where the music goes silent for about 1-1/2 seconds. The machine recognizes that the song is over and changes itself back to the original key. Not a good thing. Thinking maybe it was the way the song was recorded, I took other songs that do the same thing and even songs that have false endings and they all do the same thing. The whole step jump we took was difficult but doable, the thing is if you have it down two or three half steps you would be in trouble. Why is it always trying to gravitate back to the original key? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of a "key changer".

Author:  karaoke koyote [ Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Key Changing Back to original

Well, more information is needed to answer your question. What are you using as your music source? Are you using karaoke disks or backing tracks?

I was shocked to see the price on this thing is $299! For that price you could have gotten a very nice multi-format karaoke player and a BBE sonic maximiser.

The "sonic enhancement" feature from Voco pro has always disappointed me. In fact, I've never been impressed with anything Voco pro has ever made, and would avoid them like the plague. :D

Key changing on the best machine is a tricky business. while they all have the -6/+6 capability, anything past + or - 2 usually begins to have a noticable "garble".

How long have you had it, and is it too late to get a refund?? :D

Author:  JDG [ Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Key Changing Back to original

I'm not using it as a karaoke machine but a a machine to just change the key. with a Tascam Professional model Cd Player playing running through it.
The $25 performance tracks for my choir aren't Karaoke tracks, however, I would think even with a Karaoke track if it paused for a second the machine would still change back to the original key.

Author:  mckyj57 [ Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Key Changing Back to original

I have a VocoPro mixer with key changer, and it does not do that. I have an AS-2000 mixer with key changer, and it does.

I can see the point of either way, but I do wish it was selectable.

I would sell you my VocoPro cheap. 8-) Where are you located?

Author:  knightshow [ Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Key Changing Back to original

If you use a computer, winamp's Pacemaker will keep whatever key you select. OR you can select the option to reset after every song.

My old AKJ7000 mixer will keep the key change setting.

Author:  karaoke koyote [ Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Key Changing Back to original

have you tried using other, non-backing track CDs in the key changer to duplicate the results? Sounds like a fromat conflict.

Author:  Jian [ Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Key Changing Back to original

You may want to do this:
load the tracks that you want to change the key into any audio editing program and change the key there. Save and burn on to a blank.

Note: Adobe Audition is good at it. It can be fine tune to change key up to cent

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