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My "Home" karaoke system...lol
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Author:  karaoke koyote [ Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  My "Home" karaoke system...lol

Well, last night my gemsound amp that I've been using to drive my monitor speakers gave up the ghost. It's my fault, I didn't have it racked, and dropped it on the pavement unloading my van Saturday. There was a small buzz sat, but last night it was intolerable. Fortunately, the venue was small, and I was able to get away with just the mains.

So I went on down to Guitar Center this morning and sprung for a Behringer B212A 12" amplified speaker. Got it home, plugged in some music and was very pleased with what I was hearing.

So, now I've got hear it to karaoke right, but I don't want to hook up my entire rack. So here's what I used:

1 Behringer B212A 12" amplified speaker
1 Radio Shack SM 50 Disco Mixer that I had lying around the house
1 Sampson G6 wired microphone
1 Computer, hooked to the mixer through the headphone jack

Would you believe this set up actually sounded pretty dang good? :D Obviously, it sounds a little flat as there were no vocal effects, or EQ but I belted out "Home Sweet Home" and a couple of my standards and was very happy with what I heard.

Sweet! I can't wait to pick up the pair of 15" JBL Eons!!

Author:  BruceFan4Life [ Tue Feb 24, 2009 1:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My "Home" karaoke system...lol

I just LOVE KARMA :lol:

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