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Cdgfix or Roxbox scdg converter https://mail.karaokescenemagazine.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=16086 |
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Author: | srnitynow [ Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:35 pm ] |
Post subject: | Cdgfix or Roxbox scdg converter |
I'm looking to convert scdgs to mp3+g, also repair cdgs that have scrambled lyrics. I understand that cdgfix can do all of this, but for some reason, I CAN'T FIND IT on the web. Also, I saw Roxbox scdg converter @ kjamp. Will this do EVERYTHING that cdgfix will do? I am running Windows Vista Home Premium, will either work with Vista? I really would like some opinions from people who actually own, or have tried them in the past. I don't know ANYTHING about either program, so I would like some informed opinions before buying either. When I ripped ALL of my cdgs, there was no way to know how well they ripped, without SAMPLING a few, which I did, but now that I'm hosting, I have noticed some scrambled lyrics and would like to FIX them. ALL SUGGESTIONS WELCOME. Thanks, Rosario |
Author: | Michaelangelo1 [ Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:55 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Cdgfix or Roxbox scdg converter |
I cannot speak for CDGFix, I know it will allow you to edit lyrics. It was recently discussed on the forum. You can find CDGFix here:http://www.cdgfix.com/ I use the Karaoke File Converter from KJamp.com to convert my scdgs to Mp3+g compressed. It works like a charm. I haven't had much problem with scrambled lyrics unless I try to rip too quickly. You need to rip on a very low speed, like 4x or even 1x. Take a weekend vacation while it is ripping (lol). You shouldn't end up with scrambled lyrics. I use Vista and Karaoke File Converter works fine. You can download a free trial to test it if you want. If you email kjamp they are very helpful. |
Author: | Jian [ Thu Mar 05, 2009 4:14 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Cdgfix or Roxbox scdg converter |
I would fix such problem (scrambled lyrics) at the source: re-pipped the files. Of course if the disc itself is bad then i would have little choice but to fix the ripped file. |
Author: | srnitynow [ Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:46 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Cdgfix or Roxbox scdg converter |
I found cdgfix on the net, also, the cdgs that I ripped were at the optimum speed, and good bit rate, (spent months) ripping. The problem is some of the songs on certain discs came out perfect, while others came out scrambled. Nothing worse than having a singer finish half the song, then, BAM the whole screen just starts falling apart. It's a very helpless feeling for the host, unless you have another version. I would just like to eliminate that problem if at all possible. I would also like to hear some reviews about cdgfix, before I make up my mind. Thanks, Rosario |
Author: | sw00000p [ Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:46 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Cdgfix or Roxbox scdg converter |
srnitynow, If at all possible, please take the advise given: RE-RIP AT A SLOW SPEED. If your ORIGINALS are displaying (scrambled lyrics)... Karaoke File Converter will be of NO use to you, nor will any other Converter! It will only transfer the scrambled lyrics to your New Compilation! Will Roxbox repair scrambled lyrics? NO Do you have time to read 'Bit and Pieces' from various post and a (Partially completed On Line Help Guide). If you do... You're in luck! Cause CDGFix will Most Definitely repair scrambled lyrics. EASILY! sw00000p |
Author: | srnitynow [ Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:25 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Cdgfix or Roxbox scdg converter |
My problem with these discs, is not ripping speed, because AFTER I found out that these lyrics were scrambled, I played the disc in my player, and the lyrics were scrambled. There was no way for me to know before I ripped them, unless I played EVERY song I have in my library before ripping them. Swooop, is it a really big task to fix these lyrics with cdgfix? Is it worth the extra money? Thanks Rosario |
Author: | sw00000p [ Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:18 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Cdgfix or Roxbox scdg converter |
Is it a big task? Is cdgfix worth the extra money? If you read and understand "Only The Bascis" as how CDG is put together... The answer is YES! It sounds Scary... But it's not! First: I'm no Developer and I don't write Scripts. Just a regular guy! I don't know all of the proper Terms, but this is some of what I've learned: 1. There's only so much that can go wrong in cdg! 2. The Lyrics, Sweep, Colors etc. are Timed and controlled by Instructions / Commands! Weird names like XOR. CDGFix Super Displays All of the Instructions! When a CDG disc obtains too many errors... Problems occur. i.e. Corrupt Files! REPAIR THE INSTRUCTIONS.. FIXES THE DISK! Example #1: Rip a disc Too Fast, but yet playable.... Possible lost instruction, off track etc. Example #2: When a disc gets scratched... Causes Errors! Get enough errors and the Instructions become Corrupt! Corrupt files cause various problems, lost instructions, off Channel, etc. FIX SPOTS: Play the disc, stop when you see spot(s). (Ctrl T) then click the spot POOF! GONE! OK, Enough of the Scary Stuff! NOW THE BEST PART: Simply Load A Disc and Select Scan Track: All Errors Are Displayed. Clicking in the Error List Takes you to The Exact Spot Of Error! Remember: Only So Much Can Go Wrong! Click to Repair Instruction! When you get better... You can use AUTO SCAN. THIS BABY FIXES IT AUTOMATICALLY! Is it a big task? Is cdgfix worth the extra money? You Tell Me! NOTE: THIS IS 1/10th of its Repairing Capabilities! Not To Mention its Conversion Abilities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If A Regular Guy Like Me Can Do It... So Can You! Kind Regards, sw00000p |
Author: | sw00000p [ Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:27 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Cdgfix or Roxbox scdg converter |
srnitynow, Be Careful. When One understands CDGFix Super... One Becomes Very Spoiled. You No Longer Have To Settle For What The Manufacture Gives You! Kind Regards, sw00000p |
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