spam4us @ Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:59 pm wrote:
From previous posts, you may remember that I am looking at getting a mixer as an add-on to a DJ mixer. I first started out looking to add just 3 or 4 mic inputs but after reading the advise given on this board, I realize that I'd be better off getting another mixer that my DJ mixer can plug into.
So I've narrowed it down to the following.
Behringer Xenyx 1202FX[/url]
Yamaha MG82CX do you feel is better & why?
My Dj mixer would plug into one of the above 2 mixers. I am getting the mixer just for mic input and echo/reverb effects on the mics.
The Yamaha, for sound quality, reliability, and
compression. I own both mixers (or their close equivalent) and far prefer the Yamaha.