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The Project
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Author:  karyoker [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:51 pm ]
Post subject:  The Project

One of my old buddies both karaoke and band called this morn and wants me to build a band system. He just bought the old system in the Armory which closed down. I went over to look and havnt done any research yet but here is a list of what he has.

Soundtech PL1204 amp
Soundtech PS 1604 amp with Subwoofer taped on front
2 QSC Mx 1500 amps
Soundtech XP2 crossover.

8 Soundtech AST15 speakers
2 LS18R bass speakers
Beh. MDX 2100 compressor

He just bought a Mackie 1604 mixer and has SM 58 mics.

To start 3 guitars and 3 mics, other to be added..

Ok all you experts Thoughts?

EDIT Holy Crap.... After a google I aint go much to work with...

Author:  karyoker [ Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Project

Ok the 2 Soundtech LS18R are 18" 600 watt RMS subs. They were driving them with a Soundtech Ps1600 amp (I think) which is rated 530 watts per side. Adequate?

Author:  Lonman [ Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Project

PL1204 pushes 190 watts x4 into 8 ohms or 560 x2 in 8 ohm bridge.
PS1602 pushes 525 watts x2 into 8 ohms
MX1500 (KILLER AMPS BTW) pushes
350 watts into 8 ohms
500 watts into 4 ohms
750 watts into 2 ohms - and yes it is very stable at 2 ohms.
1000 watts bridged at 8 ohms
1500 watts bridged at 4 ohms.

AST15 handles 400 watts program at 8 ohms
LS18 handles 600 watts RMS so figure the program power rating at 1000 at least at 8 ohms.

If I were to use this set up for a FOH I would put 4 of the AST over 1 sub per side of the stage - or if space does not permit, all 8 cabs on top of the 2 subs on one side - not prefereed but will work.
Being those are the only amps you have, I would bridge 1 MX1500 PER sub - 1000 watts per sub.
Connect 2 of the AST15 hundred per channel to the PS1600 amp so 4 speakers total on this amp - 2 per channel.
Connect the other four via the 1204 amp - actually would probably ditch 2 of them & bridge the 1204 to 2 channels to 2 speakers only - the other 2 AST can be used for side fill on stage.

I would ditch both crossovers & pick up a newer model like the dbx 223. But would choose the Soundtech XP2 before the other.
Obviously run the mixer to any eq if any, then to the crossover. Run the low output to the MX!500 & the highs to the Soundtech amps.

Author:  karyoker [ Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Project

Being those are the only amps you have, I would bridge 1 MX1500 PER sub - 1000 watts per sub.

Here is the test of the crossover and QSC amps bridged. I tested each channel one at a time on each amp. We were getting a good WHUMP with just one channel. Need to pop the cover on the amps and blow all the crap out and spray the controls with contact cleaner.

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