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What method does ASCAP/BMI use?
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Author:  big jimmy c [ Fri Mar 12, 2004 7:05 am ]
Post subject:  What method does ASCAP/BMI use?

What method does ASCAP/BMI use to find clubs/bars not in compliance with thier rules?
Is it word of mouth or tipsters?
checking the yellow pages?
Sheer luck?

Does anyone know the answer?

Author:  MustangMarty [ Fri Mar 12, 2004 8:58 am ]
Post subject: 

From what I understand, they just spend their nights running around from town to town checking out the more successful gigs. You know...the ones that compared to my show are big time. I'm lucky to have 15 singers on ANY night. I WISH they would come check me out! Then I would feel "big time!" You know... kind of like the first time they asked for your I.D. the first time you bought beer legally. I know some other guys around who play burned discs and they kind of rib me a little bit for spending so much cash on legit discs. I even split up with a partner once because I refused to play burned discs that I knew he didn't own the original of. Bummer, huh? :evil:

Author:  dbk1009 [ Fri Mar 12, 2004 10:05 am ]
Post subject: 

One of the people I work with used to be an ASCAP listener. What they do is go to a bar or restaurant, sit down with a pad and pen, and log for 3-3 hours every song heard, and jot down some of the words. They are not allowed to tell anyone why they are there, and they are given a stipend ($25-30) to spend while there, or more accurately be re- imbursed. ASCAP would then go to the bar owner with this "evidence" and demand payment, or threaten to shut down the entertainment.

It's the secret police of music....

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Wed Mar 24, 2004 12:27 am ]
Post subject: 

You said it right... my show got the whole enchie... a few months ago plus anti-piracy compliance.. all in one night.. all was legal.. i love it when they dance on my front door... :P especially i wish the admin would allow me to post the letter I sent to the people responsible.. it was quite ugly.. but somehow they now publish my music. I guess all is forgiven. :twisted:

Author:  pkircher [ Wed Mar 24, 2004 10:19 am ]
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I have a friend who works for BMI compliance east coast, and the way he does it usually is through internet serches. He searches for the name of the bar/club/resturant on the internet and looks for bands/dj/karaoke whatever and if they are listed on the schedule of the entertainer he shows up for the gig and then slaps the owner with the old pay up or I'm shutting you down.

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Wed Mar 24, 2004 2:46 pm ]
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Ya know I wish more cover bands were held responsible for performance royalties.. Most are not. Sad story huh?

Author:  pkircher [ Wed Mar 24, 2004 7:12 pm ]
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Actually I still sing in a cover band from time to time so I'm pretty happy cover bands dont have to pay royalties.

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Wed Mar 24, 2004 10:45 pm ]
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Actually if you really research that issue.. YES they do. I personally have to pay on 22 songs per performance. If you are getting away with it.. I would suggest to you that you are in the growing many that soon will be in the minority. As there is now a systematic crack down also on cover bands. That clubs are not responsible for. I have it here in both my BMI & ASCAP Member's Manuals.

Please read yours if you publish music. or check with them directly. 8)

Several Coverbands have gone to recording originals as to Attny's advice because of these threatened club crack downs on such acts and the hefty fees associated with them..

Author:  pkircher [ Thu Mar 25, 2004 9:00 am ]
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As I previously stated I have a friend who works for BMI, and according to him. As long as we are playing in a venue that is properly licensed we do not have to pay fees. Now if we play on our own at parties and what not, we do have to pay fees. I was actually playing a gig in a club once that was raided by the music police. They said not a word to us. The owner paid up and we went back on. You may be right, I'm not saying you're wrong, however if you are it hasnt been enforced in my area yet.

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Thu Mar 25, 2004 4:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

the public clubs are really bad here about paying thier licensing fees.. and so complience checks are happening weekly.. most elect to book original bands or cover bands who pay thier own licensing. as for karaoke.. most kj's are only getting shows now in private clubs .. or in places across the south west in places with paid licensing, private clubs, or places that just haven't been caught yet. (the latter doesn't suprize me at all) 8)

Take care my friend. :wink:

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